Ye Belong to Christ

 •  1 min. read
What depths of sweetness in these precious words
That " ye belong to Christ "-yes, Christ the Lord,
The One to Whom the heaven of heavens belong,
The One round Whom the heavenly legions throng-
That peerless One-how sweet that He should claim
You for His own!
The world may scorn and tread its own proud way,
But " ye belong to Christ "-that One Whom they
Of earth cast out and mocked and cruelly slew,
But God has now exalted, and to you
The honor gives e'en now while here below
To be His own.
If " ye belong to Christ " what harm can come?
Will He not care for those who are His own?
His arm of power and heart of love both stand
Engaged to bless those whom His Father's hand
Has given to Him, to lead to His fair home-
To be His own.
May ye His love, His grace, His meekness show
For " ye belong to Christ "; that all may know
The beauties that shine forth in heavenly rays
From your ascended Lord, by all your ways;
That in your lives Christ magnified might be,
Who are His own.
Yes, " ye belong to Christ," for He has paid
The ransom for your souls in His own blood,
And soon He'll take you with Himself to be,
To share His love through all eternity:
To have His loved ones for Himself alone-
For aye His own!