Yet a Moment

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Yet a moment I shall be
Clothed with immortality!
By the quickening power of
God, By the covenant of blood,
Once for all in Salem spilled,
When atoning sin and guilt;
When in travail, earth and sky
Quailed at Jesus’ agony.
Yet a moment I shall rise,
Meeting Him in yonder skies!
Morning Star, He comes to bless,
Bright with beams of happiness;
Coming forth from God again,
Bringing sheaves of precious grain;
Garnered saints that sleep in Thee
Join the living, changed and free
Changed to immortality:
One assembly, rapt accord,
One in glory with the Lord.
Yet a moment, by Thy grace,
In Thy likeness face to face!
Near Thee, Jesus, near to Thee,
Thine through all eternity;
Drafts of pleasure drinking in
When I with the choirs begin,
Ever singing near Thy throne
Worthy Thou, O Lord, alone,
For redemption wrought by Thee,
Wrought alone on Calvary!
Yet a moment, victory,
Jesus quickly comes for me!
Morning Star, from God to bless,
Coming forth in faithfulness,
Like clear shining after rain,
Center of the heavenly train,
In the air He comes again.
All my nights of weeping gone,
All my watching, waiting done.
But the twinkling of an eye
Bars my immortality!
Hark, the “voice” of victory!
Jesus comes “Himself” for me,
With the “trump” of jubilee.
Shouts proclaim the rapture-day,
Fetching hence His Bride away,
With Himself enthroned on high,
One in precious unity!
One assembly with the Lord,
Face to face in rapt accord,
In Thy likeness, Jesus, there
Glory hence with Thee to share!
One in everlasting day,
As the ages roll away—
One assembly, Lord, with Thee,
Glorified eternally.
C. F. C.