You Are Saved or Lost

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
There is no middle ground. You are certainly either the one or the other. To be lost means to be a condemned sinner, one who has broken God’s law and must suffer the penalty. You know you have broken His law. Your heart tells you that you have been breaking it all your life. You have never loved the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength, and your neighbor as yourself.
But that is just what the law says you ought to do. If you have not done it you have sinned, you have broken the law. You are “condemned already.”
That means that you have done the evil deed, you have been found guilty, you are under sentence and only waiting for the judgment to be executed. But the execution of that just judgment will be your eternal ruin. If it is executed, you will be lost forever. And you are either in that condition
LOST or you are SAVED.
What does saved mean? It means that Another has been executed in your place, that the judgment your sins deserve has been borne by One who was able to bear it, and that the moment you own your lost condition and turn to Him as your only hope, YOUR Savior, in that moment your sins are forgiven and you are saved.
Now, where are you? Do not say, “I do not know.” You do know. You know whether you have received pardon for your years of sin. You know whether you have been set free, whether you have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ or not.
If you have not, how sad a state you are in! A sinner, salvation freely offered to you, and yet you are not accepting it! How can you go on thus? Any moment may end this day of salvation and cast you into the prison house from which there can be no escape. Lost—and salvation freely offered’ to you. Lost— and any day may be your last on earth. And yet you delay!
There is no middle ground, no place between being lost and being saved. You must be either the one or the other. If you are not saved, you are lost. Which is it? Let it not be true of you that, when the Lord calls His own to be with Him in glory, you must say, “The door is shut.”
“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Jer. 8:2020The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. (Jeremiah 8:20).