THESE two little fellows, with their legs twisted in and out through the bars, look as if they were defying their playmates to shake them off the great gate, as they swing it back and forth. But it is not well to be too sure. One little fellow is down, and they may be sprawling in the same way before long.
It is well to remember that not those who are boldest are always the safest. We have but to think of Peter to find that boldness and self-confidence will not do. Where these things are found a fall is pretty sure to follow. “Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased.”
If my little reader is a Christian, I beg of him to watch against self-confidence. Do not allow it to show itself, even in your plays. It is a subtle form of pride; and pride not only makes us odious to our fellow beings; but it is very displeasing to God.
There are seven things that are spoken of as abominations to God; and of these seven abominations, pride is mentioned first. What a dreadful character this gives it! And surely the knowledge of this should lead us to seek grace to overcome it.
Pride was what led to Satan’s fall from among the angels of heaven. Arid pride was what this evil one put in the heart of man, when he said to Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden, “Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”
Let us then, with God’s help, watch against it!
ML 09/21/1902