You Children Are Special

Duration: 46min
Mark 10:13‑16
Children—H. Short
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OK, which song?
What was that one?
OK, we're going to sing. Are you sure your saved and her daddy will start that song for us?
Are you sure you're?
Thank you.
Now another song 47 #47 that one.
And you did a good job, Mark. So you just got a permanent position #47.
When he comes, all is. You're with all those precious spirits.
For his crown.
He will gather he broke down for his Kingdom.
All of your ones. All the bright ones.
Is my death is all.
Like the stars.
Of the morning.
Right now, Lordy, we shall find it grateful.
Chance for his ground.
No big choice.
Now if the song isn't in on this sheet, you can go ahead and just tell me what one you want to sing and Mr. Mark over there will help us start it. Real thing.
Taken to God in prayer.
Oh, let me let us favor.
All because we do not care. We.
Have a great thing to God in prayer.
Now their choice.
41 Now, after this song, we're going to go down in that section and let the children down there choose a song or choose #41.
In shiny rows of sunless Light, each one will be your grace.
Will be in the ground as being right and joy and heaven facing glory.
Song you'd like to sing.
It doesn't matter if they take this.
The king of kings. The king of kings We'll sing that's. We'll sing 2 verses and whatever 2 verses Mr. Mark can start us on we'll sing them so I.
I don't know if you can stop that song, though. Let's try it. Let's talk about Jesus. Let's talk about.
Let's pray I am no way that is crystal light the door.
Let's talk about.
Jesus, me wonderful, wonderful, wonderful and attention. That's my Lord. Wonderful.
I have seen this after history for hitting God's word. Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?
Wonderful, Wonderful.
Assisted me.
Counselor Prince. That gives mighty God is he sleeping? Give me promising and shame. Wonderful inquiry.
Shall see. We shall be here for his drive near.
He shall say wonderful.
By the same.
Rock of Ages. Okay, Rock of Ages.
For the world.
Knock, knock, waver, all our hands.
Good for girls.
I know.
Which 127 is that in our Sunday school book at home?
But anybody have any idea? Can you tell me the first line of that one? What do you remember?
OK, that's OK. But do you know?
All right, what sound would you like to hear? We're going to try to find the 27 to Jesus #14 #14.
It's saying the 1St 2 verses of #14.
Have you been to Jesus?
How are you watching The Corner of the World?
Are you walking daily by the service side? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Do you wish each moment in the crucified how you washed in the blood of the land?
Are you?
In the soul cleansing blood of the land.
Higher God.
Bless all the way.
You are in the blood of the hand.
Well, we found #27, and that #27 is everybody ought to know. Everybody ought to know. Everybody ought to know who Jesus is. Is that the one you want to sing? We'll sing #27 mark. As we start, we'll sing one verse of it.
Everybody ought to know. Everybody ought to know.
Everybody ought to know.
Lord Jesus.
Wonderful songs about eggshell. Now if we think of the dear Children.
I would like to read a little story to you from the Bible. It won't take us very long. It's a story you already know, but we're going to talk about it a little bit this morning. It's found in Marks Gospel Chapter 10.
I they told me that I was going to be talking to you children and.
That made my heart so happy because I love children and I know the Lord Jesus loves children and moms and daddies love children, and you're very, very, very special to everybody. And so the Lord Jesus, when he was here, it says in Mark's Gospel chapter 10, it's just a little short story. They brought young children to him that he should touch them.
And his disciples rebuked those that brought them.
But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, Forbid them not, For if such is the Kingdom of God, verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms. He put his hands upon them.
And blessed them. I'm going to talk to him a little bit. Children about children.
Very, very special. And there's a lot of stories in the Bible about children.
And here when the Lord was here, some of the older folks didn't want these children brought to the Lord Jesus. And it's kind of a strange thing why they did that I, you know, just before that he had been taught.
You've got such.
Then somebody brought these little children to him and some of his own said, oh.
Tell me that means it involves being angry.
That upset the Lord Jesus. He wasn't very happy that they didn't want children to be brought to him. But I've been thinking children everywhere I go. We've traveled quite a bit the last couple of years, and everywhere I go I'm reminded of children and how important they are and how.
Just everywhere you go, you you think about children. You know, we were in a little town.
It was a fair sized town. My wife and I, we want to get to a certain building and we didn't know how to get there. So I stopped at this store and I said, well I'll go in there and ask that man in the store how can I get to this building. I've never been in a store like this before and I walked in and it it, it said videos over it and I walked into this store. Nobody was in it and I waited around. Pretty soon a man came out and I asked him where this building was.
You know what I saw? I looked up and there was a door in back.
And on that door it said if you weren't, I think it was 18 or 21 years old, you couldn't go in those doors.
Well, Mr. Short thought, I don't want to go in those stores either.
There was a door that said no children, you can't go in that room.
Oh, they didn't want children in there. Because inside there there would be found old people, grown up, people with hard hearts.
They wouldn't let you in there.
Sometimes you go to a restaurant and you look on the menu and they'll say you can get this.
For $5 or $6 or $8 sometimes down at the bottom of that menu, it'll say children under such an age free.
You children are different from older folks.
You're special.
Not like us old folks. And even when the Lord Jesus looks down, he makes a difference between children.
And old folks.
I have something in my pocket. I asked Mrs. Green this morning if I could have a piece of paper. I'm going to ask your children up here. Can any of you read?
Raise your hand if you can read. I need somebody that knows how to read. OK, I've written a word on here and I'm going to ask someone pretty soon if you can put your hand down now.
You know, there are words that I can read.
I might not say them just right, but I could read them, but I don't know what they mean.
Older folks talk to Mr. Shorten. I talked to them and they will say words that I don't know what they mean. Usually I can figure out somewhat what they mean. Sometimes I can't. One time I was talking to a man just about my age and he was having a problem and and he used the word and.
Told me why he couldn't get this problem solved and he used the word and I said.
You'll have to tell me what that word means, he said. It means I don't have any money.
OK, now that's a big word to say. I'm poor. So now I don't even remember the word, but I know he didn't have enough money.
So whoever reads this word that I have written out, I'd like you to also be able to tell me what it means.
So I'm going to open it. If you think you can read it and also tell me what it means, you just raise your hand.
Right now, last this boy in the blue.
What is the name?
You know, we have seen that little sign. What is there about to know that you don't understand?
No, it's not a big word. Have another question for you.
Have any of you children ever had Mom or Daddy tell you?
No. Raise your hand if mom or dad have ever told you no.
Your hands down, you know that kind of in the Bible. When Paul was writing to the Galatians, he said about children. He said even though they were heirs, that is, they were going to be pretty rich someday, inherit some pretty nice things. If they were a child, they weren't any different than a servant, and they would be under governors and tutors or something like school teachers or.
People who had authority over them. You, children who have gone to school, have you ever had a teacher tell you no?
Any grown Yelp with the same thing?
Well, because you're different, grown up people.
Tell you what to do.
I am not going to ask you this question. I will ask the question, but I don't want you to answer it. I wonder if there are any children here who have ever said no when mom or daddy told you to do something if you've ever said no to them.
You don't have to raise your hand.
And if you did say no to mom or daddy, what did they do?
Did they obey you or let you have your way? Probably not. Why is it that little children, big people, make decisions for them, Tell them what to do and don't let them do what they want to do? Sometimes they say no. We had a a story. We it was on a tape that we used to let the children listen to the wild. A little boy whose name was Billy.
And he used to say no, no, no, no, no. That's all I hear is no. I just wish I could do my own what I want to do in one day. Billye, Daddy, Let him do. I think it was Billy. Let him do what he wanted to do. And he got in lots and lots of trouble. No, no.
People tell you no, you can't do this. But children today, the Lord Jesus.
Says don't tell the children no, don't tell the children no, don't tell them not to come to me. I want them to come to me. And don't you say no to any child that wants to come to me. And if you do.
It's going to make me really angry one time, the Lord talking about children, he said. If you offend them, it would be better.
If somebody took a big millstone, a great big stone, and tied it on your neck and threw you in the water and drowned you, than for you to offend a little child, that's how precious, that's how precious you are to the Lord Jesus.
No, the Lord says. Don't you ever tell a little child no, that a little boy or a little girl can't come to me because I want them to come. And if you offend one of those little ones.
It'd be better off to have a big stone tied around you and throw it into the sea and drown. That's how precious you are to the Lord Jesus.
The Lord hasn't said no to you, but what have you said to the Lord?
What do you think it would be if some boy or some girl said that to the Lord?
Oh, it would be sad, wouldn't it, If somebody.
Some boy or some girl said no. The Lord Jesus said come and you said no.
He said calm and you said no.
When I was on my last trip.
Mrs. Short And he stopped at a place where we stayed, and there was a man there who told me a story. He was an older man, a little bit older than me, and he lived on a farm in Ohio when he was growing up, and he lived in the days when tractors were coming in, but they still did work with horses and mules, and he had a neighbor who had a team of mules.
That's like a donkey. And you know that song? There was a wild little donkey. Well, this man had this team of mules and he was quite proud of them because they were good hard working mules. But once in a while one of them would decide he he would say, no, I'm not going to work anymore, and he would lay down and the master would have to maybe kick it or hit it and finally get it going.
But one day he hired a young boy to do some work for him, and he sent the boy out with his team of mules to bring in some hay. And this man that was telling the story was there. And he said the young boy didn't come back, He didn't come back, he didn't come back. And they wondered what would happen. Why was it taking him so long to come back? Pretty soon they looked down the lane and there was that young boy coming back, walking.
And he said, what's wrong? He said that mule laid down and I can't get it to move.
There it was.
The farmer said. All right, all right, he said. There's a log chain in the barn. Go get it. Who knows what a log chain is?
A log chain is a is a big strong chain. Oh, we could all of us in this whole room. We could play tug of war with the law team. Would never break it. It's a strong chain.
He said to this boy, put that log chain on the back of the tractor and he puts it on the back of the tractor and they got on the tractor. He and the boy was there too, and they drove down. Sure enough, they're out in the field, was this mule.
Laying down.
Farmer got off the tractor and said get up, yeah, no.
Wouldn't get up.
What do you think the farmer did? What do you think?
That's just right. He took this chain and he put it around the mules neck and you know what he said? He said if he will work, he's no good for me.
Put it around the mules neck and he hooked it to the tractor and he started to pull the mule and that old mule was so stubborn he still wouldn't get up and attract approved.
No, thank you. And that Mule wouldn't get up.
Hey, pulling some more and finally that you got up.
That mule got up and the farmer went to it. His tongue was hanging out and he unhooked that.
Chained from around the mule's neck and the mule looked up and said, mind me, Mr. Highland's story remind me of this one, That mule said Hee Haw. Oh, just like, Oh well, the farmer. The rest of the story is this. The farmer died, they had an auction sale and they sold these mules to another farmer.
And I think it was about seven years later the man who told me this story was talking to the farmer who bought those mules.
And he said, Do you ever have trouble with?
That mule laying down, he said. I've never, never had a problem.
With that mule, Never again did that mule lay down. What happened to that mule that day? What do you think happened to that mule?
He learned a lesson.
He learned a lesson. Something else happened to that mule that day. He had his will broken.
He learned never to say no again because there was someone stronger than him that he would have to obey.
Wonder if a boy or a girl.
Has ever. You know that? No, it's not a big word, but it's easy to get backwards. Has anyone ever said no to the Lord Jesus? He isn't going to put a log chain around your neck. You won't do it. He's not going to pull.
With a log chain to make you come to him.
But you will break his heart if you say no. Lord Jesus, I know you want me, and I know that you've warned older people not to say no to let me come to you. But I'm saying no, Lord Jesus, I don't want to come to you.
You know, I'm going to tell you another story. We got back from our trip. This happens to Mr. Short A Locks and lots of times.
And I have never got over how I feel when this happens to me. But we got back and I needed to get some dog food for my dog. And so I stopped at a Walmart store in Des Moines and I went in the door and there beside the entrance, was a big poster.
With lots of people's pictures on them on it.
Most of the pictures.
Were children. What do you think that poster was for?
There was a word above it. Why do you think they had all those pictures of children? There were a few ladies on it too, but mostly they were children.
Why do you think that picture above? I'll tell you what was above it. It says missing, missing.
Why were those children's pictures on that big poster with that word missing over it? What happened?
They were lost.
They were stolen.
One day they were walking or sleeping somewhere.
Or playing somewhere.
And some man or woman or grown up team and stole them away.
Or children. They didn't steal them away.
To be good to them.
Some years ago in our city, a boy was trying to earn some money by delivering papers. In those days they had an early morning paper. Mr. Short used to deliver early morning papers and you'd get up.
Before it was daylight and it was dark and I would go out and I'd walk in. You know what? I was afraid.
And days weren't so bad then as now, But I would be afraid. And wherever whenever I came to a place that had a light, I was glad. I was glad. Well, this boy, somebody took him away.
His mommy left his room.
Just the way he had left it, I think for eight years.
Waiting for that little boy to be found.
He never has been found.
I thought about this picture in Walmart.
And I thought about heaven.
And I thought.
When Mr. Short goes to heaven.
Would there be opposed to there in heaven? There won't be, but could there be a pollster in heaven?
With your picture on it.
Saying missing.
Or lost.
You wouldn't be there. There's only one way that could happen. Children.
The only way that can happen is if you say no.
If you say no to the Lord Jesus, and we heard last night, I I thought it was, It made me tremble when Mr. Highland talked about the Lord coming back.
And if the Lord Jesus came, would you go with him? Or would you be like that picture missing?
Let's pray Lord Jesus.