Your Soul

Duration: 57min
Genesis 2:7
Listen from:
Gospel—R. Rule
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Commence our meeting by singing together.
Hymn #10.
There is a savior on high in the glory.
The Savior who suffered on Calvary's tree.
A savior is willing to save. Now as ever, his arm is almighty, his love great and free.
Oh come now to Jesus. That dear loving savior receive him this moment.
And peace shall be thine.
There is a savior.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night. I had been asked early in the evening to.
If I would give the message of the gospel.
I woke up during the night.
And it seemed like the Lord.
Brought before one's heart a few scriptures that speak about a four letter word.
4 letters, but those 4 letters make up a word. That's very important.
To each of us, those 4 letters are SOUL.
Friends, I'd like to speak tonight to you about your soul.
You have a soul. It's an immortal soul.
And it's very important that you give consideration to the eternal destiny of your soul.
And so I would like to look at the Lord's help, but a few scriptures that speak to us.
Of our soul turning to the first place that I believe it occurs in the word of God in the second chapter of Genesis.
Genesis Chapter 2.
And verse 7.
The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground.
And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
It doesn't say a dying soul, a living soul.
And it's made very clear in other portions of this word of God.
That you, my friend, have a soul. That's an immortal soul.
A soul that will exist for eternity.
He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul.
Shall we turn now?
To the 8th chapter of Mark's Gospel for a verse or two.
Mark's Gospel chapter 8.
And verse 36.
For what shall it profit a man?
If he shall gain the whole world.
And lose his own soul.
Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
And now to the next gospel, Luke's Gospel.
Chapter 12.
And verse 13 or no, before we read the 13th verse, I'd like to read two earlier ones.
Verse 4.
Be not afraid of them, but kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I forewarn you.
Whom ye shall fear?
Fear him which after he hath killed.
Hath power to cast into hell? Yeah, I say unto you.
Fear him.
Without turning to it, there's a verse in the Old Testament that says the fear of the Lord.
Is the beginning of wisdom.
Let us turn now to the 13th verse of our chapter in Luke here, Luke 1213.
And one of the companies said unto him, Master, speak to my brother, that he divided the inheritance with me. And he said unto him, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you.
And he said unto them, Take heed and beware of covetousness.
For a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
And they speak a parable unto them, saying.
The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully, and he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do?
Because I have no room where to bestow my fruits. And he said, this will I do. I will pull down my barns and build greater and there I will bestow all my fruits and my goods, and I will say to my soul.
Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thy knees, eat, drink, and be merry.
But God said unto him.
Fool, this night shall I soul be required of thee.
Then who shall those things be which thou hast provided?
So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.
Now I hope to look at a few other scriptures, but that's all we'll read for the minute.
You know, dear friends.
It's quite a solemn responsibility for one to be asked to address an audience like this.
We've been reminded a little bit of the value of a soul.
And we've also called your attention to the fact that you have a soul, a living soul, an immortal soul, and of the fact that eternity lies before you.
And all it solemn to speak to honor, have the privilege of speaking to 1.
About such an important matter, May God give you to feel the importance of the subject that we're speaking about tonight.
We're not talking about something that's of casual interest. We're talking of something that's vital.
We read that verse in Genesis 2. God breathed into Adam the breath of life, and he became a living soul.
All my friend, I would say again, you have a soul and it's going to spend eternity somewhere.
Do you know what your destiny is?
Do you know where you are going to spend eternity? Eternity is a long time, you know. I could talk all evening and couldn't begin to tell you or give you any real ideas to how long eternity is. I remember hearing one brother once say that if a bird could fly from here to one of the stars and took one of the sands from the seashore and took a million years to fly to one of the stars.
And back again. And he kept coming back, taking one grain of sand and taking a million years to deliver it.
That at the end of the time when he'd taken all the sand from the oceans, eternity would have just begun.
Friend, that's serious to think in terms of eternity.
And oh May God, if you've never thought seriously about this matter, give you to realize the importance.
Of what we're speaking about tonight.
Now, I'd like to say this. Before I turn to an OR to speak of any of the other scriptures that I've read, I'd like to say this. This has been announced as a gospel meeting. Gospel speaks of glad tidings or good news. You may say what you've read doesn't sound very much like good news. Well, I hope before I get through, I've brought out in a measure before your soul something of the good news that God tells us in this book.
But the problem is so many souls don't realize their need. And it's hard to give soul or hard to bring before our souls and get them aroused to their need. But let me tell you this before we seek to go further as to your need, Thank God we're here to tell you tonight about a savior. There is good news for you. Christ died for you. He's a living savior in the glory.
And you may know him as your savior before you walk out that room or that door. And May God grant that you do know Him as your savior before you go out that door. Yes, there's a living, loving savior as we sang together in the hymn. He loves you, friend. He died for you.
And he wants to make you one of his own, an heir of glory. And so if the verses that I'm going to speak on are rather solemn.
I would like to introduce them by telling you that we do have good news for you, but oh, you know, we find in the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 that it was only when the word fell into prepared ground, good ground that had sprung up and brought forth fruit. Has God made God prepare the ground as it were. Prepare your soul to realize your need of a savior. So many are going on carelessly and indifferent.
Like this rich man that we read about.
Thinking in terms as he said, I will take my knees.
Our brother yesterday in speaking about Ruth.
Brought before us the fact that that's what characterized the day we're living in. Man going on at ease and indifferent to God and his claims All my friend, don't go on an indifference. May God wake you up tonight. If you're still in your sins, you need a savior. There's a savior for you, but all you must first realize your need now in the third in the 12Th chapter of Luke.
Where I read.
In the fifth verse, we'll turn to that now.
Our fourth verse, the Lord said, I say unto you, my friends.
Be not afraid of them that kill the body. And after that I have no more that they can do. But I forewarn you whom you shall fear. Fear him, which after you have killed, hath power to cast into hell. You know, that's a word that often isn't used in sermons today, and many churches around it isn't too popular a subject, is it? No, it isn't popular. It isn't popular.
But God is found in the Word of God. This is God's Word.
And because God is seen fit to speak of hell, those who seek to proclaim faithfully the gospel must needs war and soul of coming judgment because there is judgment ahead.
I remember very well. I don't think I'll ever forget it over 30 years ago.
I was My health wasn't very good and I was spending a few days in the sanitarium near Mount Pocono, PA.
And I ran into a young man I was only.
Hadn't been out of my teens very long that time.
And I met another young man. I think he was probably a little over 20 years old.
And he told me I got into a little talk with him and he told me he said, you know, Ralph?
It wasn't very long ago I climbed to the highest building in Newark, NJ.
I think he said it was 11 stories high.
He said. I went up on the roof.
I was going to commit suicide.
I was going to jump down and take my life.
But he said, you know, I got to the edge of that building and I was afraid. Thank God he was afraid, I was afraid, he said, You know, I wasn't afraid of death in itself, but I was afraid of what follows death.
Friend, you know what this book says about what follows death.
It's appointed unto men once to die, but after death. What's after death, friend?
After death, the judgment.
All how how we can. How thankful that man could be that he didn't jump. If Satan had had his way, he would have ended it, and it would have been the judgment.
But no, he said. I was afraid.
Well, I had the privilege of bringing the gospel before him. I'm not sure whether he received the Lord or not. I hope I see him in the glory.
But my reason for mentioning the incident is the reason he didn't jump off that building. All of a sudden, he realized after death the judgment. Have you stopped to think about what follows death?
Now thank God there is no judgment for the Christian for the believer. You may not be a believer at this minute, but as I said before, I hope you will be before you walk out that door, friend.
For the believer, it says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me half everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life.
No friend. There's no mystery, no secret as to what follows death. There are two destinies.
And your lot is to be in one place or the other. I don't need to tell you what those two are, do I?
I'm sure that most know the answer.
You're either going to be with Christ in glory. Heaven is your portion, your home, Oregon. You're going to be spend eternity in the lake of fire and hell with the devil and his angels.
No, there's no mystery as to what follows death. I remember. The reason I have the word mystery on my tongue, I suppose, is the fact that just recently I read a note that I had clipped out of our local paper, That Toledo Blade. That's the main newspaper in Toledo.
And I just read this so that I feel sure I can quote it correctly. It was taken from an issue of December 22, 1928.
And the quotation that had to do with a man, a young man who had killed himself accidentally.
He hadn't died yet. He had. I should have stated it this way. He had shot himself accidentally.
But it was obvious from the nature of the injury that he was going to die.
And the newspaper made this comment. We hope that he will live.
Until Christmas. That's three days later. Hope that he will live until Christmas so that he can receive his presence.
Before he passes on into the eternal mystery.
Ah, my friend, if you have three days to live only, what would a few Christmas presents mean or anything else down here? The question is your soul. Have you settled a question as to your eternal soul? Well, the paper said before he passes into the eternal mystery. Friend, there's no mystery as to what happens after death. You're either going to spend eternity with my savior, the man that died for me and the one that died for you, if you'll have him.
Or you're going to spend eternity in hell. Which is it? Have you thought about it? Have you thought about it? Seriously, Have you waived the question? May God give you to do it tonight if you haven't. Tomorrow may be too late. You have no assurance you'll be here tomorrow.
No, there isn't one that can say for sure. They'll be here tomorrow.
No, there's no mystery about death and what happens after it. God has told us in great detail.
Oh my friend, may you, if you're still outside of Christ, be brought to know the Lord Jesus.
As your savior, the one who says, come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. I will give you rest, rest for that guilty conscience. I hope if you're not saved, you have a guilty conscience.
I hope your conscience isn't a seared conscience. May God give you to realize that you are a Sinner if you've never taken, if you are a Sinner, and if you've never taken Christ, you're a lost Sinner at this minute. But friend, you can be a saved Sinner when you walk out the door, saved by God's grace. For the word of God says by grace are ye saved, and through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Not of works. Lest any man should boast God is offering you salvation as a gift. It's without money. It's without price. You receive it by just owning your need to God and taking Christ as your Savior. Will you do that? Will you have him? He wants to receive you tonight as you as his own. Will you have him?
Well, the natural man is so inclined to be thinking of material things, or ease, or.
Merry making down here pleasure whatever it may be, but not thinking in terms of eternal things.
Satan tends to blind man's eyes to the realities of eternal issues. We were reading of one of those issues in the 8th of March. You don't need to turn to it again, I'll just quote it.
What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or watch a man give an exchange for his soul friend? What price, What value do you put on your soul? What value have you put on your soul?
Have you ever thought about it? Seriously, I know you've thought about what you're going to do a few years from now. If you're in your grade school or high school, you're thinking, what am I going to do next and what subjects am I going to take up? And how much schooling am I going to?
Uh, continue with and then what am I going to do after I get out of school and all that sort of thing? I'm sure you've given thought to those issues.
But they're trivial as compared to your soul. It's the Lord Himself who says watch shall a man give in exchange for his soul.
I ask you how much thought have you given about that question?
What value do you place on your soul? God says. What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Oh, how much man strives just to gain a real, insignificant little piece of this world and yet indifferent as to the claims of God and his immortal soul?
Friend, will you weigh that question that God has raised, weigh it earnestly in God's presence?
Determine what value you place on your soul.
And then ask yourself the question, What can you play? What can you value greater than that? What is more important than that? Nothing, my friend. Nothing.
Well, here in our chapter in the 12Th of Luke, shall we read on in connection with the man?
We read about he was a rich man.
But first, the occasion of this.
What this parable? It starts with the 16th verse. The occasion of it was that one came to the Lord and said, speak to my brother, that he divided the inheritance with me. And the Lord said unto him, man, who made me a judge and a divider over you. Now first he said, First he said, make my brother divide the inheritance with me. Apparently someone had died.
And this man didn't feel he'd got his fair share. He hadn't been taken care of properly. He wanted to have his portion.
We were reminded of the 15th of Luke recently, the other evening, I think, where the prodigal son said, give me the portion that falleth to me. You know, that's very characteristic of the natural man. Give me. He's got his hand out. He wants something. He's interested in what he's going to get. And so is this man here.
Well, he was putting the Lord Jesus in the position of being a judge in the matter.
The Lord said, Man who made me a judge or a divider over you. Thank God he didn't come here to be a judge. He's coming as a judge. For God hath appointed a day in the which he that's the Lord Jesus will judge the world in righteousness.
By that man whom he hath ordained, whereab he has given assurance unto all men, and that he has raised him from the dead. There's a risen man in the glory. He's coming back as judge.
And all it will be very sad for all that have to stand before him, whether it's the at the judgment seat of the judgment of the living nations or whether it's at the great white throne judgment. But thank God he came here the first time as a savior. My friend, we're telling you tonight about a savior. He's coming back as judge. But I hope you never have to stand before him at that great white throne because you know.
All that stand before him there are going to be cast into that word that we said is very unpopular. Be cast into hell, into the lake of fire, that place where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. May that not be your portion, but the Lord didn't come as a judge the first time he came here as a savior. He came to give his life to die, that you might have life for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. Yes, God sent him, friend, that you might be saved. Will you have him as your savior tonight? Will you receive him? He's calling you as we said before. He says, Come unto me, all ye that labor, I will give you rest.
Well, he told this man, he said.
Who has made me a judge? Or a divider over a judge or a divider over you?
And then he said, take heed and beware of covetousness, for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
And he spoke a parable unto them, saying the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully. And he thought within himself, What shall I do, because I have no room where I shall bestow my fruits?
He said. This will I do. I will pull down my barns and build greater and there I will bestow all my fruits and my goods.
Notice the next verse, and I will say unto my soul, soul as much goods laid up for many years.
Take thy knees, eat, drink and be merry.
You know, I have no doubt that this man or I would, you would gather that this man was one who had a good standing in his community. There's nothing to indicate that he wasn't respected of men.
In fact, the scripture says that men will praise thee when thou doest. Well, by thyself he had prospered through the goodness of God.
You know, I don't know of anyone that's more dependent on God for material blessing than a farmer. Do you? If God doesn't send the rain and the sunshine, there'll be no blessing on the crops. God had been good to him in that way, but he had no thoughts about the goodness of God. He's just like those all about us, thinking only of self.
Sels. Did you notice how he often uses the word I and my?
My fruits this I will do. I will pull down my barns and so forth. I will say it's all I and my thoroughly self-centered.
No thoughts about God.
Oh, how many there are on that line about us today?
Taking only himself, their pleasure, their comforts, their ease down here.
Do you by any chance fall into that category, friend? Are you primarily concerned, or have you been primarily concerned with yourself and your interests and leaving God out, He left God out all that he had had come from God, but he had no thoughts of God.
How about you?
You know, it's a serious thing to leave God out of our thoughts.
Take thy knees, is what he said.
Eat, drink, be merry.
Oh, yes. For the average man in the world, he'll fit in somewhere. Into there. It's either pleasure, be merry or just taking his ease and just drifting along. Indifferent. Yes. Are you drifting? Are you drifting? You know, it's a serious thing to drift, friend, if you just keep on drifting.
You'll wind up in a lost eternity. May God waken you to your need. This man was never awakened to realize his need before God. Time went by and finally he came to the end of the journey. The journey for him came a lot sooner than he had expected. He talked about building bigger barns, built bigger barns to have all this substance, and then when he figured he had enough to just take care of him the rest of his days.
Take it easy and enjoy life.
He didn't enjoy life near as long as he thought he was going to.
What is that 20th verse say? God said unto him.
Full this night shall I soul be required of thee. Then who shall those things be? You know, friend, God doesn't call a man full lightly. This is the Lord speaking here. It was God that sat unto him full.
I wonder if you're in that category. I wonder if God would say that of you. If you've been forgetting his claims, indifferent to his savior, thinking of this life, enjoying life, then that's just where God would put you, my friend.
This night shall I soul be required of thee, let me ask you.
If God required your soul of you tonight, friend, where would you be?
I ask you in all earnestness, where would you spend eternity?
That's the question before us tonight.
You know, I'm reminded of a story that a brother told. I think I remember most of the details. I'll tell as much as I can because it came to mind in connection with the words. This night, a servant of the Lord had been preaching the gospel in a hall. I don't know where.
I If I heard that detail, it got away. But he was preaching the gospel.
And in the middle of his address.
He spoke very seriously to his audience.
And he said to him, friends, we've been talking about a very important question.
When you get home tonight, I want you to take a piece of paper, each of you and those that have children. I suggest the mother of the father takes the piece of paper, one for each member of the family. And on that piece of paper, I'd like you to write these words.
If I die tonight, I will spend eternity in and then, he said.
Leave a blank until one has been prepared. A little piece of paper for every member of the family. Pass them around to the members of the family and.
Ask each to fill in one of two words and sign their name.
Now he says take that piece of paper. If I die tonight, I will spend eternity in and, he said.
Everyone fill in one of two words, heaven or hell.
Well, the particular family that our brother was speaking about, when they got home, the mother did just what this servant of the Lord had suggested.
She got five pieces of paper, and on all of them she wrote, If I die tonight, I will spend eternity in And she left the blank and a place for the signature.
These were handed to those in the room.
The mother on hers, she wrote in the word heaven and sign your name. The oldest daughter, if I remember right, her name was Mary.
She took the pencil and wrote in that word. Same word, heaven.
The other two children.
Did the same thing, but the father he'd been handed a piece of paper.
But he was reading his magazine.
Indifferent. And he just went on reading. He didn't fill anything in on his.
And finally one of the children said Daddy, the man said you were to fill in a word there at the end, and he kept on reading, but the child insisted, and finally I suppose to.
Quiet her down so he could go on with his reading. Finally he took up a pencil and he wrote the four letter words. If I die tonight, I will spend eternity in hell.
Well, the child took one of the children, took the paper to the mother and she broke out in tears.
And the mother looked at him and she broke out of tears. And everyone of the children, they broke out in tears and were sobbing. And the mother knelt down on her knees and started praying to God for her husband, friend, You know, probably people are praying for you. There are many here, I'm sure, whose mother, father has been praying for one of their boys or girls while a mother broke down. But she cried to God on her knees. And you know, God and his grace touched that father's heart.
And he came over to the circle, and he knelt down to.
And he took the Lord as his savior, and he asked for another piece of paper.
And this time he could spell out on that paper. If I die tonight, I will spend eternity in heaven. Friend, how about you? What if you die tonight? You may. As we said, you have no lease on life. Not a bit. Are you prepared? Are you ready? Where will you spend eternity? Is it heaven?
Or is it hell? Oh, May God give you to feel the seriousness of what we're talking about.
You know, I was speaking at a I was asked to take the gospel once, not too long ago, and I heard afterward that a woman in the audience had made this comment. She didn't know it would get back to my ears, but she made the comment, she said, you know.
If one speaks that way the way he did, I'm afraid it might tend to drive souls away.
You know the scripture that came to mind. In the book of Jeremiah, there's a word that says something like this curse should be he.
But doeth the work of the Lord negligently and cursed, behave it, withdraw his sword from blood.
Now friend, this is the sword of the Spirit. I would like to use it tonight to bring before you the seriousness of what we're talking about. As I said, you have an immortal soul and oh May God awaken you to your need, but you realize the importance of what we're talking about. Yes, the word of God it says, is living and powerful and quicker than any two edged sword dividing to the piercing asunder of soul and spirit.
And is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. May God use His word to show you, my friend, what's in your heart if you're outside of Christ, and to give you to realize that without Christ you're lost and on the way to a lost eternity.
Oh, my friend, as I said before, Christ died for you. He loves you. He wants you to be a companion with Him in the glory, but you must own your need of him as Savior and and put your trust in Him.
Oh, May God give you to feel the reality of what we're speaking about.
Perhaps there's one here that has some question as to whether the Lord would receive them if they were to come.
Friend, I can assure you the door is open wide for you. The Lord Jesus is inviting you, but all that you might feel your need of coming.
Speaking of feeling the need, you know I the other night our brother read a poem and I went to him.
Just after the last meeting this afternoon, it seemed to tie in so with a verse that the Lord had put on my heart. Watch a man. Watch what profit a man if he gained the whole world and lose his own soul. But I asked him if I could borrow it and read it again tonight. I know most of you have heard it, but I'm sure there's some in the room that didn't hear it last night.
And if you happen to have fewer one that heard it, perhaps gods can still use it for blessing to your heart.
It says Have you counted the cost? That's the title. There is a line that is drawn by rejecting Our Lord where the call of His spirit is lost and you hurry along with the pleasure mad throng. Have you counted? Have you counted the cost?
Are you hurrying along with a pleasure mad throng, friend? Oh, May God arrest you if you are. The next stanza says you may barter your hope of eternities born for a moment of joy at the most, for the glitter of sin and the things that will cost. Have you counted? Have you counted the cost? Yes, a moment of joy, as it says here in the glitter of sin.
Oh, how Satan draws his dupes along in sin.
Few weeks ago, I don't remember how long in our Toledo newspapers, and I suppose they were in on the headlines of most of the papers in the United States, the toll of a movie actress that had died.
One that was very popular from conversation I've heard amongst others. Some of those at work I heard commenting.
She died. She was one that was paid from 500 to $1,000,000 on some of the the films that she helped to make.
Films that.
Probably answered to this poem with a Speaking of the glitter of sin.
She hadn't counted the cost. And I'll tell you friend, she might have made a half $1,000,000 on a movie, but it didn't make her happy.
And I'll tell you something more. Nothing can make you truly happy apart from faith in Christ. Yes, I know there is pleasure for a moment, as it were. The word of God speaks of the pleasures of sin, but they're only for a moment. They're passing. Are you trying to find your pleasures down here and the pleasures of sin? If so, have you counted the cost? How about your soul, my friend?
This one.
That I'm Speaking of, they indicated in the paper. I understand that she's thought to have committed suicide. She had money, popularity, but she didn't have Christ and so there was no happiness there. Oh friend, how Satan leaves his dupes along. I repeat it. I remember when I was about just passing out of my teens. I remember at that time one of the a young man who had recently inherited millions.
He happened to be a son of the Reynolds family, of the Reynolds Tobacco Company, multimillionaires, and he inherited the 21 had turned over to him millions.
Not long after, he committed suicide.
Ah, there's nothing here can make you happy, my friend. But Christ.
Not give you any real happiness and joy.
Do you have Christ as your Savior? Is He your portion?
The last fans on here says, while the door of his mercy is open to you, ere the depths of his love, you exhaust. Won't you come? Won't you whisper? I yield. I have counted. I have counted the cost. Oh, I say to your friend, Won't that be the language of your heart tonight I yield. Won't you yield your heart to the Lord Jesus?
Won't you open your heart to receive him? And then you can truly say I have counted. I have counted the cost. Oh, my friend, he died for you. He wants to receive you. Will you have him? Don't be like that rich man. You know he was a rich man in life. But what was he in? Death?
He was an eternal bankrupt. He had nothing.
The word of God that we read says spoke of that. At the end of that portion spoke of those that are not rich toward God. The one that has Christ as savior. He's rich toward God. He's an air of glory. Oh, it's a wonderful thing to be a Christian, to have the Lord as one savior and to have the assurance of being with that man and the glory for eternity.
That scene where sin can ever come, we sometimes sing, O bright and blessed scenes where sin can ever come, whose sight our longing spirit wings from earth, where yet we roam.
Oh, my friend, I can offer you that blessing and salvation to the Lord because he paid an awful price. You know, the price was too great for any man to pay, no matter how wealthy he might be. Would you like a verse for that? Turn with me to the 49th Psalm.
Psalm 49.
And verse 6.
None of them are. Yes, verse six. They that trust in their wealth and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches. Now notice the next verse. None of them can by any means redeem his brother nor give to God a ransom for him. You know, if somebody is stolen down here or taken away, kidnapped is a better word.
Usually if one can put up a big enough ransom some why, they can get the kidnapped 1 back again. But when it comes to God, there's no ransom that man can pay. That would be great enough to settle a question of the need of your soul my friend.
It says none can by any means redeem his brother and give to God a ransom for him for.
The redemption of their soul is precious.
Oh, my friend, you have a precious.
Soul. And it's because of that that we are seeking, urging you tonight to receive the Savior, that you might have the redemption of that soul. The redemption of His soul is precious.
Turn with me to another scripture that speaks of a ransom. I think it's in the 33rd chapter of Job, the book just before Psalms.
Job 33.
In the 13th verse.
14th verse It says God speaketh once ye twice a man perceiveth it not. Perhaps God has spoken to you, my friend, in the past, and you didn't heed the warning. Maybe he's speaking tonight. I trust he is if you're not saved. Sometimes God speaks through trials, as God allowed some trial in your life and you wondered why. Perhaps God was speaking to you to arouse you.
As to spiritual matters, the need of your soul.
You'll notice it says there. It says in the.
14th verse, Yet man perceiveth it not, but then it goes on to say.
In verse 19 he is chastened also with pain upon his bed, and with a multitude of his bones with strong pain.
There's a soul that God has spoken through trial to. He doesn't always do it in that way.
Up above it speaks of in a dream. There are different ways that God speaks to souls.
In this day, I think it's more through his precious word, but it goes on to say here.
In the 23rd verse, if there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among 1000 to show on a man is uprightness, old friend that you might learn what's spoken of here when it speaks of uprightness. Do you want to know who the upright Sinner is? I'll tell you. Look on down to the 27th verse.
He looketh upon men, and if any say I have sinned and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not, he will deliver his soul from going down into the pit. Oh, that God might deliver your soul from going into the pit, but you have to be upright and own your sin to God. If a man say I have sinned, have you ever got down before God? And says, oh Lord, I'm a Sinner.
I have sinned.
And perverted that which is right. You do that, and you turn to Christ, and it says he will deliver his soul from going down into the pit. Oh, May God give you to be upright in this respect. Own your sin that he might deliver you from the pit of destruction.
It goes on to say, and that 24th verse after one, after there's that uprightness, it says, Then he is gracious unto him.
And saith unto him, and saith.
Deliver him.
From going down to the pit, I have found a ransom.
Oh, I don't need to tell you that Ransom is in the book of Second Timothy. It says for there is one mediator between God and men.
The man Christ Jesus, who gave his life a ransom for many.
Yes, my friend. He gave his life for you. If you go to hell, it isn't because it isn't because God didn't love you. God sent his own Son from the glory down to Calvary's cross. He went to that cross of shame where they nailed him to that accursed tree, where they spit in his face, where they put a crown of thorns upon his blessed holy head.
Where they mocked him and taunted him.
God sent that blessed one here. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
That whosoever believeth on him should not perish, friend, if you perish.
It's because you don't take advantage of what God and love has done for your soul, but whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Sometimes, I repeat, when it comes to that word, perish. Cursed be he that withdraweth a sword from blood we read.
I'm going to close with a warning and then another invitation I'll be through.
A brother from out West came to Toledo some years ago and he said I'm going to give you a definition.
I'm going to tell you a little bit about what it means to perish, and I often repeat it because I I think it's good to be brought to realize the reality of what's ahead for the one that dies without Christ, he said There are 6 letters in the word perish, and I'm going to use each of them the 1St letter for a word.
P pass E eternally R ruined I into S sinners H hell.
Pass eternally ruling into a sinner's hell. Oh friend, May God spare you from that. You need a savior, I plead with you. Don't go out that door turning your back on the Lord Jesus. He died for you. He died for you. Will you have him? Will you receive him?
He wants you. He's calling to you. Will you open your heart and receive him?
Tomorrow may be too late. This man in the 12Th of Luke, it says tonight, fool, Tonight shall I soul be required of thee. Make it tonight, friend. Don't wait till you go out the door. Take the Lord now and be saved. May God bless his word.
Together the 12Th verse of the 12Th hymn and I hope that someone here.
That this is the expression of some heart or some hearts here tonight, just as I am without one plea. But that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bids me come to thee. O Lamb of God, I come. Yes, the word of God says that the blood of Jesus Christ.
God's son cleanseth us from all sin.
Just as I am.