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Hearing of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen, He loved, in whom though now ye see him not yet believing, He rejoiced with joy unspeakable and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls, of which salvation the prophets have inquired in church. Diligently you prophesied of the grace that should come unto you, searching what or what manner of time and spirit of Christ which was in them did signify.
When it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ.
And the glory that you follow, unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto what they administer, the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, which things the angels desire to look into. Wherefore gird up the lines of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you.
At the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
It's obedient children, not fastening yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance, but as he which have called you is holy, so be holy in all manner of conversation, because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy. And if you call in the Father, who without respective persons judges according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here and here, as much as you know that you were not redeemed the corruptible things.
That silver and gold in your vain conversation, received by tradition from your Father's, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot, Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world that was manifest in these last times for you.
Who by him to believe in God that raised him up from the dead and gave him glory, that your faith and hope might be in God?
Seeing you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that you love one another with a pure heart, fervently being born again, not a profitable seed, but of incorruptible.
By the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. For all flesh is as grasp, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. And this is the word which by the Gulf War is preached unto you.
When we get saved, why? It's a result of faith, isn't it?
For by grace are ye saved through faith.
And that changed our life forever because.
Uh, the whole principle of the Christian life is a life of faith.
We walk by faith and.
Not by sight.
I always think of my mother in connection with these thoughts because.
She said one time to me maybe she felt I needed more of the rest of the children, she said. David.
It takes one look of faith to be saved. After that, it's a lifetime of looking, and I believe that with all my heart.
So here we have.
Verse 7. The trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes.
It's the trial of our faith that produces.
Umm, the strength to go on being much more precious than of gold that perishes. And then it may be found they'll be tried with fire, might be found under praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
I'd rather have others speak on this more than myself.
Because I know there are many here in this room have gone through deep trials and, uh, but the Lord wants, uh, he tests us, brother, you said years ago, God gives faith and then he tests faith and then he rewards faith.
And that's the whole theme of Christian life and the manifestation of the reward. I would say myself that it's it's more for a future day than now.
We go back and chapter, look at chapters, uh, probably verse six, uh, Darby writes.
The Lord never attached this above that which we are evil. It's not something that He expects to go on for a very long time. He knows how much we can stand. The other thing is that it says if need be. So I remember Brother Halo years ago saying if trial comes into our life, there's always a purpose of love on His part and it needs to be on our part. So I sort of enjoyed that with that sixth verse for a season.
If need be.
I agree with that stand. There's three things, the season and reason and the purpose. And this isn't that we see that like you say, the season it's for it's a limit that God puts on that just tries forever. But there's A and there's a reason it needs to be. Sometimes, umm, we like to look at things in a personal way, but sometimes the trial that we go through is not through us personally, but for those around us as we go through this world. Many times as Christians, we're put through trials in order to test our faith for ourselves personally.
But an option is that is how the world watches us as we go through these trials. And many times perhaps we can see that the effect of of faith working, our faith working in them as they watch us go through these trials.
And they asked us like, why? Why are you this way about it? Or how did you take that so calmly? Or whatever the situation might be? And it's because we can answer them with the because we have the strength of the Lord to care us through these things.
I remember an old brother used to always say God only tries gold.
And what he meant by that was he only brings out what He's first placed in US. And that's why the trial comes to show us exactly who we are in Christ and all the strength that he's given us to go through these trials and those things that He's placed in us in the 1St place. And that's why He drives us. So we'll come to the realization of how dependent and how immediate we need to be in the Christian life because those are the things that represent His Son the most. And that's what he's trying to do, is to conform us to the image of His Son.
And often there are things in our lives that must be dealt with in the form of trials in order to bring those out to our own attention, that we can deal with them on our own level, but also on the level that we can deal with them in His marvelous grace towards us.
It's also interesting, is it not, to see in this particular little epistle that suffering is really a theme that goes right through the whole little book and this first chapter. It seems to be the trial of your faith. And we know that there are many Christians today who are suffering because they're Christians. We know that over there in Iraq, there was a large number of Christians that were herded up into the top of the hill.
Well, why were they suffering? Because they were Christians. And uh, in the second chapter, it's suffering for conscience sake. I believe in the third chapter, it's suffering for righteousness sake. In the 4th chapter for his namesake, and in the, uh, last chapter because of the devil's attacks. So Peter brings before us in many ways, does he not? Uh, how?
We are passed through various tribals, but here in this chapter, I believe it's for our faith, isn't it?
Perhaps we have a good example of this seventh verse in the story of Shade Rock, Meshach and Abednego. Do you think they certainly knew what it was to stop it from their faith?
When we compare the trial to the Lord.
Trying with the gold.
No Mon, no refiner will refine a a an ore to get dross. That's not the product. The product is the gold.
When the Lord brings us through trial, it's not to obtain the dross, it's to get the dross effort. The waste of the product was no good.
Sometimes, uh, we look at the trials through which we're going as being very grievous and difficult to, uh, to, uh, handle. But, uh, we have a resource that the world doesn't have because the Lord has promised that he will never leave us. Don't shake us. And Isaiah, he says, when I go through the waters, I will be with me. And so, uh, we have the promise.
The presence of the Lord. Now sometimes we may forget that, so maybe our prayer should be that we would have, umm, uh, a sense of his presence because we, we tend to forget it. But uh, I'm reminded of how in, uh, First Thessalonians 4, the loss of a loved one, we do not sorrow as those that have no hope. So we have a hope of the resurrection.
So there are many resources that we have that, uh, the world doesn't know about or can enter into. And there's, uh, a piece and, uh, and, uh, enjoyment in our own hearts, even in trials. And that goes deeper than the kind of peace that the world can give.
I was also thinking in, uh, Second Corinthians chapter 4.
Now that when it talks about.
Afflictions here in verse 17.
It says our life affliction, which is but for a moment.
And there's, uh, that little season that was, uh, mentioned before because it works for us, a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. So in comparison to.
The glory that will follow.
In the trials that seem so grievous, here are but, uh, a light affliction.
Faith overcomes, isn't it?
And, uh, an Acts chapter 16 well known story that we use in the gospel Philippian Geller story that.
And the apostle Paul Silas were put into prison.
Is they sang hymns even though they were beaten and and put into the prison, they, they could rejoice in the Lord. And it the Lord used that faithfulness to that trial to uh, Risa Philippia Gillard.
In his household.
And so faith enables us to, uh, rise above circumstances that we encounter in this life. And so we're, we need faith in the Lord puts us through trials to increase our faith that we might be able to use us in ways that he that he has for us, he has our path marked out sometimes.
Perhaps in my own life.
Wanted to use me for something and perhaps I wasn't ready and.
Trials that we go through prepare us for things that that the Lord has has for us.
Certainly a nice story there with Paul and Silas, how their faith were tested and how they overcome.
I think too that sometimes in our trials the world looks on and see how we react.
And in Clippy, it's chapter 4.
It'll be four and verse six. Be careful for nothing but everything by prayer and supplication. Thank Thanksgiving. Let your requests be made on the God. This is the worst I had in mind. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ's team.
Anybody in that pain that he says he is in would be so grumpy. Well, he had the teeth. All understanding she was able to bear up under it and sometimes I believe that the rolls around. Can't understand how the believer can go through such a trial and not be discouraged.
A question about.
Umm, is there a distinction between like having some troubles in your life that aren't maybe necessarily connected to being a Christian, uh, you know, being tested as a, whether you give out the gospel or the moral issue or something like that. Maybe it's the.
Financial thing or emotional thing because these verses seem to apply to the trial, to your faith and are we, am I missing, excuse me, am I misapplying this if I try to apply these to things that aren't specific to Christian trials or these for basically anything that goes wrong in your life?
So if we look back at verse six again, Darby writes, instead of manifold temptations, various trials.
All things work together for.
Trial of his life, and they weren't necessarily connected with him being a a Christian or you might say even a godly man, except for the fact that Satan instigated them. Umm. But you find too, that God spends far more time looking at that particular little section of his life than he does looking at the earlier part of the later part, when he was doing so well.
And then so it's in the middle of the trouble that God can manifest, which really is him, whether it's a trial that has anything to do with you being a Christian or just one of the normal troubles in life.
You know a lot of.
I do believe that.
A trial can can make us or break us.
Uh, once you went through a refinery, a mining refinery in Squamish, BC and the mine was into the mountain and eventually they brought the cars out of the mountain to the top of the mountain and the product was dumped at the first highest stage of the refining system. And as we stood looking in this fast mining operation.
There was at least 2025 steps before from the raw material to the product that was being produced, and that's sometimes saying that if our faith isn't as strong, we find it hard to take.
A certain picture in this mining situation, we can either have a long process before with the goal is met by.
Our faith and strength in the Lord or to take those 25 steps in our life to find that final product.
And we have great trials and we are tempted. I also want to say this. There's a difference between what I would say, what the Lord allows, or sometimes things that we make of it ourselves get ourselves into trouble, deep trouble sometimes. And I think it depends upon our faith and our strength in the Lord as to how long it takes to take that process, that mining process for that final product. Some people never reach that final product product.
We have in our families, some of us have children who have left home, who have left the meeting. They couldn't meet that final process, could they? They they couldn't handle it or their faith was weak. And we've got to pray for these young people and those that are blessed us is because they found it too great.
And it's it's just something that we have to really pray about because we're not perfect.
I might not be able to go through that whole mining process at the bottom and see the final product. I may be halfway or three quarters the way, but I'm not there yet. And we never will be the final product until the Lord takes us home. We're not perfect and don't pretend to be. We are. Where are we in that mining process, in our life, in the trial?
Allows or that we make ourselves a trial for our own lives. It's just an exercise that I I have in my own heart and speaking for myself is how far does it take for us to go in that mining process from the top or it's dumped as raw and coming out fine in the bottom. It's just a a word picture that I just want to share.
There's another a bit of an aspect to that also in that.
And I doubt if that was totally that process you're talking about was totally mechanical. There had to be people at every stage who were monitoring, helping, ensuring that it was going on and so on. And I think sometimes we stand by and let people let brothers and sisters work on their processes, them all by themselves, whereas we can often be a great help in that process. And there's if we're observant and if we're attentive to their situation.
We can sometimes make a contribution to what you might say, accelerating the process.
It returned to Hebrews chapter 12. You'll see a little bit of a, umm, an example of this. It speaks about chastening, uh, and there are two, uh, chastening is like a trial. Perhaps there, there are two possible results from that, uh, chastening, umm, in umm, verse 11. Now no chasing for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous.
Nevertheless, if we're willing to learn from the Lord under the lesson.
Afterward it yielded the peaceable fruits of righteousness unto them, which are exercised thereby. But that isn't always the results, because it we're not necessarily exercise or we're not submissive. And so if you look at verse 15, it says, looking diligently lest any man fail the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be depiled.
So that is another possible outcome from a trial or a testing if we're not exercised thereby. And then in thinking about what, uh, what you have, uh, said brother Lauren, if you look at verse 12.
This is how we can be helped and encourage those that who are going through.
A trial, it says in Hebrews 12 and 12. Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the people knees, and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way. But let it rather be healed.
The three Hebrew servants that were that we have the account of Daniel, they had a very severe trial of faith. Uh, it was tried with fire. They were put into the furnace. Umm.
For their faith and.
I think when we get to the glory and we speak to.
Avendi Gulf and say that was an awful difficult time in your life.
And Nebuchadnezzar put you into the fiery furnace.
How was it? Or they would say, that was the, umm, the best time of our experience, That was the best time of our lives because in that trial we had the company of the Lord with us.
So, as we've been reminded, let us take our circumstances from the Lord. Are difficulties to the Lord, Peter began to think when he allowed circumstances to come between him and the Lord.
And doesn't that happen in our lives too? We.
This eighth verse I was thinking of when our brother read these verses in the prayer meeting.
Whom, having not seen the love, in whom, though now ye see him not yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
I would think of those that Peter wrote to, that perhaps none of them had ever seen the Lord, but he had.
And he says to them whom having not seen ye love.
He saw that even though they hadn't seen the Lord, that they loved him, and it affected him whom having not seen ye loved, in whom though now ye see him not yet believing.
Game Peter had seen the Lord, and it must have thrilled him to see and these others that what faith produced.
In their lives the joy and looking for the Lord's coming, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Going on to the next verse, receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your soul. So they were looking for the coming of the Lord, weren't they?
Trials that we have in, uh, First Corinthians 10 is a couple of verses there that.
We go through a trial. The Lord is putting us through it for.
Perhaps to be more conformed onto our Savior's image.
That might be more useful in service.
But two, I think perhaps when we go through a trial and often times know perhaps what the Lord is seeking to teach us.
I was thinking of UMM.
13th verse.
Uh, there's no temptation taking you such as common demand, but God is faithful you will not suffer let you to be tried or tempted above that you're able, but with the trial and temptation make also make a way of escape.
That you may be able to hear it.
'Cause God has to put upon us something that we're unable to bear.
Ourselves, he's in the trial with us and makes a way of escape for us that we can gravely buried.
We may not do our own stubborn wills.
Umm, submit. But yeah, it says here that he makes a way of escape and maybe Elephant Bear through the trial.
Joel, chapter 37, verse 13.
I think not.
Was it for his land? I believe so.
Season there to want the pressure to be removed rather than uh.
And I'm saying now what has reward to teach me in this, uh, the circumstances trial that he has allowed, He wants the Lord to remove the trial and he is able to do that, uh.
Or, umm, or he can give us a brief.
But it should really, as rather Bruce brought out that verse in.
On another person's trial that, that, that is, umm, something that we, uh, tend to do, uh, of course, if a person is going on in a willful.
Sinful. Course, I don't think we are wrong on that in.
Concluding that the Lord is speaking to him through this circumstance. Umm.
The two ones may have occurred. There's a government of God and, uh, in the Corinthians, there were many that were sick and weakly among them and many slept. That was a governmental dealing, a God in the Corinthians because of their careless, uh, uh, careless ways, uh, that they were, uh, sewing. But we need to be exercised ourselves. We're gonna see that trial in a different light in the glory of the judgment seat of Christ because we will.
See the Lord's purpose in what He allowed in our lives.
2nd Corinthians, chapter one.
This is something I think weren't addressed and so did Ruth.
2nd Corinthians, chapter one, verse 3.
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercy, and the God of all comfort, who comfort us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort where we we ourselves are comforted of God, whereas the sufferings of Christ abound in US. So our consolation also abounded by Christ, and whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation.
Whether which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer, or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation, and our hope of you is steadfast, knowing that as you are partakers of the sufferings.
So shall he also be of the consolation? The wonderful thing about trials is that the more we are tried and our faith is tried, the closer we become to God, the more He reveals Himself to us in a fuller, richer and deeper way. And because of that, that allows us of the, if I can use the term, overflowing of this to share that with others who are going to the same trial and same tribulation in a way that no other person could, because we can come alongside them as the Spirit of God can come alongside us.
It shared with us in this time, you can come alongside them and offer them some hope and comfort that comes from the heart of God through us to them.
But have we not gone through the trial? We wouldn't be able to do that.
There is a difference I think that we need to draw a line. Can I say between what is a trial that the Lord allows in in this chapter here it says a trial of your faith. It's not the question of chastening like we have in in Hebrews chapter 12 and not sometimes when things are going through trials. The Lord is allowed and the thought is what have I done that is wrong and we need to be careful ourselves that we don't attribute.
Umm, that they must have done something wrong or whatever.
Here it is, the trial of your faith. Abraham was tested.
And, uh, and we get tested in connection with our faith.
We brought had brought before us to discipline our government of God in connection with things in in Hebrews chapter 12. But I I would suggest that that's not quite the same thing as we have here in our verse.
God said to Abraham that he was going to make him the father of many nations.
And then he told them to offer up his son. Was that a test of his faith? Indeed it was.
I think that's the type of thing that is that.
God tests our faith, doesn't he? The reality?
But he doesn't disappoint it.
I was talking to our brother who had a family and the girl was 18 years old.
Uh, didn't come to the meeting anymore.
I found a boyfriend who wasn't a Christian.
And it was a great trial for the family.
Now, the father wasn't gossiping and this is where there's a difference between gossiping and prayerfully considering the situation. He asked me can you pray for my daughter in a situation that she's in her home? We're afraid we may lose her. Now, as Brother Perry was saying, it goes through those process of the mind if we can know about something that is happening to a family or an assembly.
We may not.
No, the trial, but we can pray for that trial or for the people involved in it. All I can do for that family, I, I knew them not too much, not personally, but one thing you could do isn't pray about it. And, and that makes a difference, brother, we may not enter that trial ourselves, but don't we here?
Of trials in families, in our assemblies, of our daughters or sons who are wayward or who you've left the meeting. Whether we can all pray.
We may not go to the trial ourselves, but we can be exercised.
There's a bit of a comparison too, expressions that are common in the world of and, and certainly in language testing, language training, one of the instructions is use it or lose it. If you don't practice what you've learned, pretty soon you won't have it anymore. And uh, and it's a little bit like that with faith.
You have to put it into action in order for it to be real for you. And it also works in, uh, muscle building too. You can, uh, train hard to build muscles, but if you don't maintain what you've gained, it'll all wither away again. And, uh, and so it's like that with faith that we are, are given it by the Lord if we'll take it.
And then it has to be.
We have to make it effective in our lives. We have to.
Work with it to to produce what he wants produced in our lives. We just say, well that was an interesting experience and put it on the shelf and we won't have any lasting benefit.
In spiritual things, Hebrews 11 tells us that without begging, it's impossible to please God.
And here in our chapter where it speaks about, uh.
Whom, having not seen you love, reminds us of the, uh, little episode in, uh, the end of John's Gospel where umm, Thomas worked for present.
On the occasion of the Lord showed himself about eight days later he was, and it's interesting what the Lord says there.
Because uh, Thomas then believe about in verse 29 of uh, John 20.
Jesus said unto him, Thomas, because that was seeing me, that was believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed. And so I believe it brings a lot of honor and glory to God when we believe what He says, even though we may not have the direct evidence.
As these disciples did, they saw the Lord. But we don't, only by the eye of faith.
I believe, too, there's such a thing as hate being strengthened in our pathway.
The disciples at one point said to the Lord, increase our faith. They realized that it was small. It was it wasn't very much.
And when you think of, uh, Abraham, he wasn't tested to give up, uh, his son, uh, right at the very beginning, when he was first called, it was after he'd walked with God for a while. And so, uh, uh, faith, uh, when it's tried and, uh, and it produces the effect of, uh, being like gold, well, that also causes it to be strengthened, I believe. And another trial comes along and we have more confidence in God.
As a result, and so it grows and I believe that's why Umm John writes to those that are little children, those who are young men and those who are fathers.
Them because they differ in the amount of faith that they've had experienced and so on. And, uh, as a result, I find personally that those that are older have gone on in the, in the, uh, Christian pathway for a longer time, tend to be more, even, even though there may be trials in their lives. Whereas we who are younger and less experienced may be up and down a little more.
And not as, even as those who have experienced these things and, and, uh, seeing the hand of the Lord to help them.
Just one final comment, it is so essential that the faith not dissipate. As we've been saying, it should always be exercised and I think the word make sure that it is with the trials and things that come our way. But I was noticing in second Peter chapter one that it is the dairy Foundation.
And everything else is built upon faith.
You'll notice that in verse 5, second Peter one verse five. Beside this giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity. So the very foundation.
Of our Christian pathway is begins with faith and to carry us all the way through.
I was thinking of the uh, the reference the apostle makes in Ephesians 6 to the shield of faith.
Verse 16 where with we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. So umm, in a time of trial, Satan Exactly.
To, uh, to insinuate, uh, doubts in our minds as to the goodness that is in the heart of God. That's the reason for our failure. He, uh, tried that and successfully in the Garden of Eden and he's still doing it. Uh, those fiery darts which are dealt as to the wisdom of God's ways with us. Doubts. Why the trial has come into my life.
I sought to please the Lord and this trial has come, but, umm.
I thought also of those verses in Hebrews chapter 10.
Where the apostle says, Cast not away, therefore your confidence, which have great recompense of reward.
Uh, we think of reward in connection with, uh, some active service for the Lord, and that is, that is, uh, the truth. The Lord will reward every little act of devotedness, but here it is in connection with.
Having confidence in the goodness of the Lord in the trial, the Lord even sees that confidence which Satan would like to shake in the trial, that the Lord is doing the best for us every day of our lives according to his our state of soul. But Satan is always active to, uh, to seek to break down that confidence in the goodness of the heart of God.
The Lord intercedes two dozen before us.
In the trial when he didn't appear.
Estate bill Not so. He's with us in a trial.
Interceding for us as we go through it.
Think of the great example of the Lord Jesus to read in Hebrews chapter 12.
Looking unto Jesus, the authoring finisher of her faith, and for the joy that was set before Him, enjoyed the cross.
Spiding the shame and it's just down at the right hand of God or consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest he be wearied in faint in your mind, and oftentimes you read in the breading of bread.
Lamentations chapter three-part of it with red umm previously, but when you think about the things that the Lord had to suffer. His faith was based on the the willingness and obedience that he had umm in doing the will of the Father and he had faith in the Father's plan and purpose of salvation for mankind through the work that he did. But I just think it is implemented. Lamentations chapter 3 it says and I said my in verse 18 and I said my strength and my hope is perished from the Lord remembering mine affliction and my miseries. The word word in the gall. I so have them still in remembrance of this humbled in the need this I recalled in my mind.
Therefore I have hope.
He has hope because he remembers these things, but this is the reason it is of the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed because His compassion fail not. They are new every morning, rated by faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul, therefore will I open him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, the soul that seeketh him. It is good that the manager both hope and quietly waking the salvation of the Lord. And then in verse 31 and 13, the Lord will not pass off forever.
Verse 32 But though he caused grief, yet he will have compassion.
According to the multitude of his mercies, for he does not afflict willingly nor dream the children of men to crush under his feet. All the prisoners of the earth turn aside the right of a man before the face of the Most High. The subvert a man in his cause of the Lord to prove it not. You can see how this is sort of in a in a sense the pathway of faith follows a non. It's because of the Lord's mercies we're not consumed.
He gives us trials, but he gives us mercy, and He's 89 to go through them. And when we think of the Lord Jesus and what he had to go through, all the trial of his faith, and what an example he is to us, because it tells us that He committed himself to him who judges righteously.
In all the things and and especially going to the cross or to please the father and to perform that wonderful work that he did. But yet there was joy in the second form. And even in that in doing that, because I believe we saw the the fulfillment of the father's plan. But he also, I think he looked in time and saw each one of us who had received him as as as I've seen here.
Return to song online meeting.
Verse 92 Unless by law has been by delight, I should then and perish in my affliction.
Verse 107 I am acquitted very much quickly, O Lord, according to my word.
Amber 153.
Discipline. He has more confidence. I believe in the Lord.
David Amanda has lost on her.
Consider my affliction and deliver me, for I do not forget thy law.
Is very much comforting these these words.
And we're going to try that.
I think our time's up.
Two way cloud store but.
We pray, Most gracious God our Father, how we thank Thee and bless thy holy name, O God, for the wonderful privilege of being able to open.