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I'm thinking of the same that you have, just some.
Lamentations, chapter 3.
Starting at verse 22.
It is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning.
Grey is thy faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul, therefore will I hope in him.
The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. Shall we pray together?
After our brother read part of this morning in our prayer meeting, first Peter one.
Out of the Brethren field, but.
First Peter chapter one.
Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ to the strangers scattered throughout conscious Galatia, Capitacia, Asia and Visaya. He left according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit and obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. Grace unto you and peace be multiplied. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Which, according to his abundant mercy, hath begotten us again unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
To an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled. And that date is not a way deserved in heaven for you, for kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.
Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, the errant heaviness through the manifold temptations, that the trial of your faith being much more precious than a goal that cares just. Though if you try to fire, might be found under praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen ye love, in whom though now ye see him not yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable.
And full glory receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your soul, of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you.
Searching what for what manner of time the Spirit of Christ, which was in them, it signified, when it testified beforehand, the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow, and to whom it was revealed.
That not unto themselves, but unto us, they administer the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, which things the angels desire to look into.
Where for gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end, for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ, as obedient children, not fastening yourselves according to the former lust and your ignorance.
But as he which have called you is holy, so be holy in all manner of conversation, because it is written, Be holy, for I am holy. And if you call the Father, who without respect a person's judges according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here and here. For as much as you know that you will not redeem the profitable things as silver and gold to your vain conversation received by tradition from your Father's.
But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot, who barely was foreordained before the foundation of the world, that was manifest in these last times. For you, who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory, that your faith and hope might be in God, seeing ye have purified your souls, and obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned as love of the brethren.
See that you love one another with a pure heart, fervently being born again, not corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. For all flesh is as grass.
And all the glory of man as a flower grass, the grass withereth, and the flower fadeth there, a flower thereof falleth away. But the word of the Lord endure forever. And this is the word which by the Gospel is preached unto you.
Have, uh, in particular the, uh, body of Christ, uh, the truth in relation to the Church of God.
Here in the world, and perhaps particularly the Jewish believers are addressed here.
That were under, first under persecution and now, uh, separated from, uh, their land of promise and, uh, disappointed and you might say as to the, uh.
Hopes of uh, Messiah reigning, every Kingdom being established.
But Peter here, uh, gives, uh, encouragement for, uh, these believers.
Continue on.
Before them, the whole not of the being established here in this world in glory and power, but uh, being encouraged by the hope of, uh, an eternal heavenly inheritance and much better.
Uh, establishing through the work of Christ. So, uh, it has back to general character and it's, uh, important for us to, uh, see that we are now strangers in this world.
We don't belong to them. We're a heavenly people. Our hope is outside of this world entirely to be with, uh, Christ and the Lord.
It's nice to see also in verse one where it says Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ.
And then it gives us ministry. Today we're living in a very evangelical era.
A lot of the, uh, evangelistic outreaches by Christendom.
Bring a lot of attention to themselves or their work.
Uh, they speak in the name of the Lord.
And it in all appearance, it looks good, but after following or listening to them, uh, you find that a lot of attention is drawn to themselves. And it's sad to say to see that because.
Here Paul glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. This is his His stance, his object. Uh, his life is in Jesus Christ.
And this is wonderful to see that that we can take these Nuggets and realize that he's giving the Lord Jesus Christ the credit or the honor and the glory. And brethren, this is something that we have to keep in mind that we don't try to draw attention to ourselves or for the work that we do.
Peter had been used of God in the salvation of thousands of souls. Find it in the early part of the book of the Acts, don't we?
And now here it is, less than 30 years later. He's right into these Jewish believers that are scattered abroad. He sees the changes that have come in, and we have seen changes that have come in.
And so the word was meant for us as well.
An apostle is a sent 1A disciple is a follower. We need to be the followers.
But then the Lord sends us into the world. We're not apostles in the sense that Peter was because of an apostle is one who had seen the Lord. Scripture tells us that. But umm, we all have sent the Lord, umm, has sent us back in the world to represent him in this world that is getting darker and darker. And uh, uh, Peter had been hoping to see the Messiah and see him set up the Kingdom.
But uh.
Uh, the Lord revealed to to those disciples that he had to die on the cross.
Show the he he writes to encourage these, uh, Jewish believers. The ground that the in the Jews in the Old Testament of their, uh, was in connection with uh, uh, umm, their blessings was on their obedience. But here we find in our chapter that it is in the second verse.
Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit.
Under obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.
What is the ground of our salvation? What do we rest on for all eternity?
The finished work of Christ, so the Jewish believers before were it was blessings based on their obedience and they didn't keep it. And God provided a savior that has been able to complete the work of redemption. It's nice to see him emphasize this is the start of the epistle, isn't it?
Computer addresses.
Persecution and, uh, found themselves in various parts of Asia Minor and elsewhere and, uh, and these were true believers in the Lord Jesus. And so he, uh, begins to unfold to them the umm, what their response to some of the responsibilities are and what they should rejoice in.
Through what they believe.
But it's, uh, interesting to me to notice how much of this chapter is taken up with what we might call a gospel message. You could, uh, well, use this chapter as a, as a gospel text for, uh, for preaching to souls. It, uh, it, especially the last part, it's, it's, uh, it's right from verse, from verse 2, but umm, umm, but then it goes in detail down from.
Verse 19 and on or 18 and onward, it's really a gospel, a gospel address and I take courage from that in the.
Continued presentation of the gospel, even to those of us who have already believed there's a, a requirement to keep coming back to the beginning to foundation and refresh our hearts about that, which is, uh, fundamental to what we believe. We can, uh, we can go on and uh, and examine, uh, the details of scripture, but it's, and it is always something new to be UN unfolded fresh for our hearts.
But the we need to keep coming back to that which is absolutely basic to what we believe. And here we have it. Peter doesn't mince words. He takes those true believers back to what they first trusted in. And it's a it's a word to me about.
Sometimes we may be asked to preach the gospel and we look around the audience and we say, oh, everybody saved. I guess I'll minister something about the truth that.
We've we've enjoyed, but I think it's if, if speaking for myself, if I'm asked to preach the gospel, well, I preach the gospel and make sure that the the message that was fundamental to what I believe first believed is presented afresh for the encouragement of us all can add things then that you know, enlarge on it, but it's make no mistake, don't miss out on giving the fundamental.
When preaching the gospel.
Wonderful to see how Peter writes this epistle and fulfillment of what the Lord spoke of in 22.
2231 we know that Peter was the one that denied the Lord and he was restored and that in John chapter 21 but here as as the incident where Peter speaks of.
The Lord Umm as being a, let's say, more braver than he really is.
Umm, in Luke 22 verse 31, it says, and the Lord said, and notice the word you call he calls him Simon Simon. He doesn't call him Peter Peter. He calls him Simon Simon. That's his old name because he's acting in the old strength of of who he was. But yet in the epistle we read of him addressing himself as Peter, the name of victory, the new man in Christ. And because of that he's able to write his epistle. But we see him here. The Lord says, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan had desired to have you that he may sift you as we but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not. And when thou art converted, strengthened thy brethren.
As Warren mentioned, this is what he's doing. This is not He's writing his epistle to strengthen the brethren.
You notice, Brian, that in the second epistle he doesn't start out with Peter, an apostle. He starts out with Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle. That was written about two years later. Why the difference? Well, I think that we all experience in our own lives that.
What we are by nature.
And Peter never forgot who Simon was, Simon Peter. And he starts off with I'm a servant of Jesus Christ and an apostle, but a servant. So lowliness becomes us, doesn't it?
Twice in the last chapter of John's gospel, in the 1St 2 verses, we see uh, the 1St 2 verse 3 Simon Peter and verse 3 Simon Peter and said Simon said look at them, I go fishing.
As soon as the Lord had been crucified, he thought, well, I've got to go back to my old occupation. And he took others with me. And when they saw though they, they toiled all night, and they saw the Lord appeared to them. And as we go through the discourse, we see the Lord saying to Peter, feed my lamb.
And then feed my sheep. And again feed my sheep.
And then we have this wonderful epistle.
That we're looking at and to feed the the elect, the the believers of Israel, and not just to bring the gods home, but to those who are saved, to encourage them in the trials that they're going through and the troubles that they were having being scattered abroad from persecution.
Feed my sheep, feed my lamps.
Also interested to note in this chapter which is.
Again, written to a Jewish audience. Umm, I saved Jewish audience that would have.
Come from a very umm, monotheistic background, umm, not having a revelation of Trinity. Umm, Peter really drives that home in in verse 2 where he brings you for them to, to try and God, God's Father, the Spirit in Jesus Christ and, and really draws out their, their role, umm, of God the Father, his election, his will, Jesus Christ coming, you know, obedience to God, divorce and and redeem us. And then the Holy Spirit, which does the inner work of sanctification.
Doing dwellers here on earth, you get to the real roles of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit We're trying to drive brought out in this chapter as a reminder, I guess from the Jewish Christians, that there's some full revelation now of who God is.
The Jewish believers were positionally elect according to the purpose of God, but, uh, they had failed.
And they're calling so much so that it was transferred to the Gentiles, as we know in the book of Daniel. But now the AP, the apostle Peter says, umm, you are elect before the foundation of the world. Umm.
Israel is looked upon as blessed from the foundation of the world, but these believers in the purpose and counsel of God.
They were in the mind of God even in a past eternity. And so it is with us.
And the Spirit of God separated us from this world.
Even before we had believed the gospel. Of course, this is, uh, something in the uh.
In the foreknowledge of God, God's heart, we can enjoy it, but we don't know the, the uh, councils of God. So we don't, uh, preach election to the unsaved.
Because we don't know who they are, who who the elect are. We preach the gospel to uh.
Doctor Wolfenstein illustrates it. You come to the door and it says whosoever will let him come take the water of life freely. You come inside and on the back of the door you see the words elect according to the foreknowledge of God form. So that's a family secret. But and it's precious to know, but we in in preaching the gospel.
Yes, I enjoy too, that the election is not a national thing, like the perhaps the Jewish brethren felt at one time or in the Old Testament. But it is an individual call, isn't it? You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you. What is election? I like what a brother said one time.
Election is God's selection.
When we ask a question like that, sometimes it's hard to give an answer because of the fullness of it. But to think that God in the past eternity elected you individually and me individually.
It's a marvelous, marvelous truth, brethren. How is it that God saves you and not your neighbor next door? Do you understand that? I can't understand that, but we thank him and praise him and that's the that's the ground that worship comes from. When we see the the how, how crisis everything and what he has done is everything and that we are nothing, it makes a hard overflow with praise. And I believe that Peter felt that and he got that across in his ministry.
Peter and Paul and most of the apostles in order to encourage the Saints, they shine a light on the very heart of God.
When you look at umm, the verses of uh, 2-3 and four and five, and then you come to verse six, it shows us how God prepares and provides for his own the most wonderful way in order that they can advance through whatever they have to go through. And I'm reminded way back in Genesis chapter 17 when God speaks to Abraham in verse 17, it says when Abram was 90 years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him.
I am the almighty God, or else should I walk before me? Be Thou perfect. It presents Himself to his own with the strength and encouragement and all the love and care that he has for them before he enables them to go through any trial or tribulation. And that's the same with us. And I think that's what Peter's trying to promote here, as Paul does too. If you read through Paul's epistles, you see the same thing, how he presents God and all the strength and glory and light and wonder that he gives to us.
To the perfect heart of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in order to prevent us to travel on in the pathway that he's called for us to travel on. He prepares us and provides everything we need for that journey. But he always gives that to us first. And it's just a matter of as we walk, we begin to appreciate these things and understand them only as we walk forward in the in the wonder of what he's provided for us.
Just like to mention something, Brother Perry, when you had mentioned the question of the gospel.
Uh were rather lacking in the fact that when the gospel is brought forth that in a lot of cases the blood is not mentioned in that hospital meeting.
There's a brother in our Smith Falls meeting who keeps on saying that. He says, was that the gospel? And I have to think back and say.
I don't quite think so because the blood is not ventured.
Yeah, that has crept in through, uh, uh, Krishnam at large where there's this feeling that developed some years ago about that the blood might be offensive to some people. It's a, a subject that you, uh, that the preachers kind of felt you could avoid and therefore not antagonize anybody and make it more effective. But the fact is that the blood is, uh, right through the word of God and it's.
It's absolutely basic and we we would we would do wrong to ignore it.
Rehab was to hang the scarlet line in the window.
The scarred line is the thread that runs from Genesis to Revelation in the Bible is Speaking of the blood of Christ, of course.
We have the, uh, the two docks struck before us here on obedience and.
So after the work of the Spirit of God in our soul.
Got great applied to our souls individually by faith and obedience to the work God. It's taking that much of hyssop, Speaking of humility and applying the work of Christ.
Appropriating it to our personal needs as a senator.
So that we come under the value of that because of money.
It's mentioned here in that, uh, the, that portion of the first John of uh, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Uh, would you say it's the contrast Peter is bringing before them that, uh, the ground of Israel took in the Old Testament was all that the Lord our God has said we will do and that met on the ground of their obedience. But now what did Peter say? It's not on the ground of, of our obedience. It's in the ground of the obedience of one man the only.
What way that redemption could be accomplished? And he brings that before them forcibly, doesn't he? On the beginning of, uh, of this epistle. It's, uh, it's a ground of all blessings.
Parallel to what we have here for the Jewish believers.
Convention the gospel putting in in remembrance of what what they have in Christ might be just nice to look at a few verses in Ephesians chapter 2. We have their parallel what we have here in this chapter, but for the Gentile and it's it mounts in the same thing.
I'll read from verse eight. It says, for by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.
Connection, Obedience. Here we have the obedience which God hath before ordained, that we should walk in them.
And now we have the remembrance of what we were. Wherefore remember that He being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh, made by hand, that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.
I hear we have the foundation of our blessing, but now in Christ Jesus.
In price Jesus, ye who sometimes will bar off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ, the foundation for all our blessings.
It's lovely to see, isn't it in the?
3rd and 4th verse.
Where is our home center?
What's the hope of the earthly man living in a world like this?
Let's read verses three and four together. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant mercy, hath begotten us again unto our lively or living hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for you.
Can there be anything better?
One thinks of those verses in First Thessalonians chapter 3. It's just chapter one about the.
Thessalonians. It says they turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his Son from heaven.
The Apostle Paul, as I understand it, was seen from the verses and Acts that he was only there for three weeks.
And they had come from that ungodly, idolatrous background, turned to God from idols to serve the living, true God and to wait for his Son from heaven.
Or is that what we have before us? I think that's what Peter brings before them here.
Isn't it wonderful to be a Christian?
We had something now that the Israelites, uh.
We know and have that relationship with God, the same character as the Lord has.
Uh, we uh, have the same light, but when you have that same relationship as children, the father, this was not known in Israel and it will not be known in the, in the coming, uh, millennial day. They won't have that intimacy of knowing God in this character that we now have in Christianity. It's, it's characteristic. I think we all understand that and it's a living whole with Israel.
Their inheritance faded away, uh, because they failed to obey. It became defiled by their sin and idolatry and it was taken away from them. Of course, you might say, uh, postpone to the Lord is going to bring it to pass in the future day, but on the ground of their faithfulness, there was nothing. They were expelled from their inheritance.
But ours is of a heavenly character, and an inheritance incorruptible cannot be defiled or political. It's a heavenly character. Of course, in Ephesians there's also the inheritance that has an earthly aspect, which we will share. We will share the inheritance that the Lord will have the Son of man in its earthly character as well.
It's wonderful to know that not only is the inheritance kept for us, but we're being kept for the inheritance by the power of God. He strengthens us and encourages us. As Dave was mentioning. When you think about verse three, the lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What kept the early Christians when they were going through the trials and tribulations?
The the slaughterings and the crucifixions and the trials and the tortures they went through was the fact that there was a man in the glory.
That he awaited them, that's what gave them strength and courage to go through what they went through in the early persecution. And for us even today. What gives us that same strength? The fact that there's a man in glory. That someday, no matter what happens on this earth, we'll be reunited with the one who gave themselves and loved us so much.
And we will see him face to face. So no matter what we try, what we go through, the trials and tribulations of this world, the bottom line, if I can use that term, is that we'll be with him in glory.
I remember reading the story of an Iranian Christian.
Who was giving out the gospel as a real cost to himself?
And he said he used to go to the park or he regularly went to this park and, and passed out Christian materials to Muslims there. And, uh, he was asked, well, what happens if somebody gets upset with you? Well, they, they did quite regularly. So what did they do? Well, they chased me or did they ever catch you? Or yeah, how about half the time?
And, uh, say, well, what did they do? Well, they beat me up. And WW, what happens if they kill? You see, Well, there's always the resurrection. He, he went consistently, even though he was getting beat up fairly often and uh, could expect to die anytime.
It didn't matter because he was living in view of the resurrection.
I wish I knew a little more about myself.
Sometimes there are.
Conventions or whatever.
Events that take place.
You may feel your children would like to take you to or something and it costs you money to go for an event that may last one or two hours of whether it be $10, a $100 or whatever it is. And when the event is over, that's the end.
What about this here? It says in this verse.
Four, that fadeth not away reserved in heaven.
For you.
It is beyond all I remember. Many of the older ones here will remember our brother Harry Hayle making this comment. Stan, you'll remember this comment. Every Christian breath, every, uh, Christian blessing is a mountain peak beyond which God could not go.
We couldn't ask for anything more to be a child of God.
You can't ask for anything more than the hope that is set before us forever.
And the fatherhood.
Salvation is looked at in different ways. I think we uh.
Are aware of that salvation of our souls. We now possess the apostles future that here in the chapter but umm.
Uh, there's also salvation, Uh.
At the end of the of the pathway.
Under salvation along the uh.
Along our Pilgrim journeys.
Accomplishments of salvation We now have the salvation of our souls.
The apostle mentions that.
Versus 9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls, that's not something we look forward to, it's something that we haven't enjoyed.
But, uh, the salvation of our bodies, we have, we're saved from the.
Penalties of sin through the work of Christ.
There's no judgment for the believer. We're saved from the power of sin.
As we go on, independence.
On the Lord because.
We do have an old nature still, but we're not safe from the presence of sin.
Until we get to the glory, we still have that old nature, two things we won't have in the glory, that old hateful nature that we possess and will have till the end of the story.
And the body of humiliation.
Those two things we won't have in the glory. That will be the consummation of salvation, we might say.
The, uh, the fullness of it.
But even now, by God's grace, we have salvation too, in day-to-day through, uh, the intersection of, uh, Christ for us, God's right hand.
Is that what we have John in uh, in Romans chapter 5 and uh, verse?
Verse 10.
Umm, well, let me start with verse 9, Romans 5, verse nine. Much more than being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from raw through Him. That is the salvation of our souls, I take it. And then in the, uh, in the next verse, if when we were wrecked enemies, we were reconciled to God.
By the death of the Son, much more being reconciled. We shall be saved by His life. Is that not a, a umm? The apostle bringing before us the life of the Lord Jesus Christ as He now is in the glory. He's there for us. What would we do without Him? That's the present salvation. And then, as you say, the umm, we have brought before us the salvation of our bodies.
You know, it makes me think of I remember my, my father was was dying. I remember seeing him in bed.
You look so shriveled up as an old person you only lived a few days after being there.
And I said to him, Dad, the shepherd carries the sheep all the way home.
And, you know, it couldn't take much in, but I remember him kind of getting a hold of it just for a second or two and, uh, and just enjoying the thought. That's the, that is the, uh, picture of the, when he took the sheep and he put it on his shoulders rejoicing and he took it all the way home. So here we have the end of our salvation, that is, uh, uh.
Brought before us who are kept by the power of God through faith under salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.
It's good to remember, isn't it, that we're kept by the power of God or not. We don't keep ourselves, do we? We're often failures, and we see failures in our presence, but who is it that keeps us? It's the power of God. I think that's important to see.
And maybe a little summary is helpful, Like these verses I've enjoyed. Uh, we noticed in the first verse that these Christians that Peter was writing to were strangers. And why were they strangers? Let's just go back to Acts 8 for a moment just to see these things. Acts chapter 8.
We know that umm, uh, Philip was preaching the Gospel. Uh, he was one of those early evangelists.
And it says there in the UMM.
Umm, the same.
And at that time there was a great persecution against the church, which was at Jerusalem, and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria. So they were scattered and I would take it they were even, they went into haunt us and all these other places that we mentioned and they were probably feeling a little bit discouraged.
They were in places they didn't know the people. They felt that they were strangers. And Peter is telling them, yes, you are strangers.
There are strangers on earth and really that is our position, is it not? Peter mentioned again in the second chapter that were strangers and pilgrims, strangers away from home and children's on the way home, and even though they were strangers on earth.
They were elected as we had before us. The Father was the source of that election. We were chosen again before the foundation of the world.
The spirit was the power and the sun was the means by which we have attained salvation. So we're no longer strangers on earth. We're now looking forward to a home in the glory. And that's what we have in the 3rd and 4th verses. To an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, that defeats not a way to deserve in heaven for you. So these dear believers were being reminded that their home was in heaven.
Not on earth. And then finally, in the fifth verse, that they were kept by the power of God. No doubt there was persecution facing them. They were going to be tested in trial, but they could be confident in the fact that they were kept by the power of God. And that's how we're kept, aren't we?
You know, standing converts to look at Mr. Darby's translation. It has a little bit more to it. It says we are kept guarding by the knife garden.
I'm often intrigued by the little words of Scripture, and I wonder if we could take a look at that one in verse 3.
Hath begotten us again.
Unto a lively hope.
Umm, I don't know. I don't have a Darby. Does anybody know that said the same thing in a in a new translation order? If someone could explain what that means to be begotten us again, I suppose naturally speaking we just should say just begotten us into a lively hope. But that little word kind of intrigues me why it's there.
The same in Mr. Darby.
It would have the same meaning as being born again. In that sense the.
Would it bring their poorest, uh, Brian, the the thought that there was a promise that was made to the, to Israel?
They if they had kept the law.
There they would have received the blessing.
And the loss of blessing because they didn't keep it.
And but God had promised them with us.
So now the fact that they didn't keep it, God found a way in which they could be blessed. They were begotten again, blessed with that.
See what he's bringing before them here.
Yeah, I think that's the thought they gave it, that, uh, they had lost their earthly.
Inheritance because of unfaithfulness. They were God's chosen people in a very privileged position, but.
Old, uh, eternal life in heaven.
Non faith fund. That's what we're saying, not based on on keeping the law, but based on the, the work of the Lord Jesus Christ and the uh.
Another little thought that that occurred to me is that Peter was a faithful person, uh, to the Lord through the Lord's ministry time. But after the Lord had died and gone to heaven and risen, risen and gone to heaven, there was a whole new dimension to what Peter believed. And it's as if, umm, there was belief, but then there was again, there was something far more.
That came into his life.
234 We're not in the world which stays away, We're not in the night, But children of days. The chains of one's boundless by Jesus are ribbon Were strangers on earth. Our home is impelled. 234.
We're not of the world.
With sail away.
OK. And I'm sure.
I made it exclude our standard furniture, still our garden and wildlife 384 on the real world and cross the line the screens and rain.