Children—Bry'n Ross
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Perhaps we can start.
By singing number #43.
#43 one door and only one, and yet its sides are two, inside and outside. On which side are you? There's a question to be asked.
We ready. Everybody got a hymn sheet, OK.
One door and only one, and yet it signs are two.
Inside and outside? On which side are you?
One door and only one, and yet its sides are two. I'm on the inside. On which side are you?
It's a very simple song, but a very important question, isn't it? On which side are you?
How about?
Number 42 #42 you have a little child of seven. How old are you?
Are you 4-5?
Bye. Alright, cool. OK.
A little child of seven, or even 3 or 4.
May enter into heaven through Christ the open door.
For when the heart believeth.
You know, in the little children's Sunday school hymn book, there's a lot more hymns to choose from that appeal to those who are younger in heart. That you guys and some of them too, you know, even though people are old, they have, they're young and hard.
They enjoy the things of the Lord in a very simple way.
Perhaps we can sing an old favorite #32.
#32 it's one that although it's, it's an older hymn, I'm sure the the children know the know it #32 What can wash away my thought, Jesus?
No, no other founds. I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this I see nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my part in this, my fleet nothing but the blood of Jesus.
There's nothing can force sins at all. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Not of goods that I have done nothing, but the blood of Jesus.
Oh gracious, is the flow that makes me white as snow.
No other found. I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my hope and peace, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Do you think the blood of Jesus is important?
Yeah, in this song, it's almost every second line. It says that nothing but the blood of Jesus. It tells us how important it is in the eyes of God and in our own lives. Because what does what does the blood of Jesus do? Does anybody know?
That's right, it washes away our sense. Is that important?
Yes, very important, isn't it? We heard the good gospel last night and it told us how that blood of Jesus washes away our sins so we can go to heaven and we can see him face to face. Won't that be something to be able to see the one who died for us face to face and thank him for what he's done? Yeah.
Let's see if we can sing one more here.
Umm, how about #45 two little eyes to look to God, two little ears to hear his word, 2 little feet to walk his ways, two hands to work for him all my days. If someone could start that, please.
Too little art is too long to go to walk his ways, two hands to work for him all my day.
God has given us many things to work for him and to see things and to do things.
You know, I want to talk about one scripture verse in the book of Ecclesiastes. You have a Bible.
Turn to the Book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 12.
And there's one verse there that, uh.
When someone asked me to to do this, the verse just flashed up like a big screen and said Ecclesiastes 12/1.
So Ecclesiastes the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 12, verse one says this.
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth.
And when I thought of this, there's three things that we can talk about.
Two of them are kind of already looked after, so I don't have to say much about them.
For example in the days of value.
Most of you here are already in that stage here in the days of your youth. You're young, you're kids, you're out having fun and enjoying life. And there are many things that the Lord has to show you in your life that you can enjoy and have fun with one another. And when you come to a conference, you can learn many things we trust. So that thing, I think we can just put the one side because we know that you're in your youth. So we'll consider that done.
And the second part is thy creator. Who's thy creator? Do you know who the creator of the whole world was?
Yes, God, That's right. It tells us in Isaiah 45 that God himself formed the earth and He made it. And if you read the book of Genesis, it tells us that God created the earth and he created the sun and the stars and the moon and the plants and the animals and all the things that any created man. And then He created woman and He created all things for his pleasure. It says He and He was to enjoy all those things, but something happened.
Somebody was disobedient and they brought sin into the world, and because of that, God can no longer look at those things in the way He did before.
So we have in your youth looked after and the Creator. But there's this word, the very start of the verse. It says, remember.
So how many of us remember what happened before we were born? Put up your hand.
Nobody remembers what happened before you were born.
Oh dear, I know somebody who does.
Your parents do, but somebody even bigger and better remembers before your parents were born.
Jesus does, That's right, He remembers. He knows all these things. And you know what? He sent the Spirit of God into our hearts and minds when we accept them as our Savior, to bring things to remembrance from the Word of God. And that's why it's important to read the Word of God. So we'll have things that we'll know. But you know what He can't bring to our hearts and minds what we don't have there.
Kenny But I asked you the question, do you remember before you were born? You can't do that because you don't know. And if you don't read the word of God, you don't know what's in there, do you? And he can't use that to help you grow and strengthen.
You know there's dangers of not remembering things when your parents tell you tie up your shoes.
Do your parents ever tell you that? Tie up your shoes? And what happens if you don't tie up your shoes?
You could trip and fall, couldn't you, And hurt yourself? So it's important to remember things.
It's important to remember things. You know, in on November the 11Th, most people wear a poppy in Canada and it and it's a sign that we remember those people who died in the war, that died to bring freedom to this country, that we would be able to enjoy the freedom that we have to even meet like we do today and read the Bible openly and things like that. So it's important to remember, but it's even more important to remember certain things, isn't it?
When I need to remember things, you know what I do. I have a poor memory sometimes.
Are you sticky notes?
Sticky notes. Everybody knows the stick. Have you ever seen sticky notes? Yeah. If your mom and dad use sticky notes, sometimes they stick them on the fridge and say go to the store, buy this, buy that, do this, do that. They call it a do list.
You know what happens when I forget my sticky notes? I write it on my hand.
But you know what? I can't put my hand on the fridge. It doesn't stay there very long, just falls. And you know what other happens when I wash my hands?
It washes away and then I go, what was I supposed to remember and wash my hands? So I remembered to wash my hands, but remembering to wash my hands, I forgot what I wrote down.
So when I need to remember, I do those now. Do you think God uses sticky notes?
Yeah, no. Why wouldn't God need to use sticky notes?
That's right. He already knows everything it tells us in the Scripture. It says he says I have, for example, he doesn't have to write on his hands either, but he has written something on his hands. He says I have engraving you on my hands, on the palms of my hands.
That he won't forget us, and he also tells us that he will remember our sins.
No more, no more. And it's not because He's forgetful like we are. That's why I have to use sticky notes. It's because He chooses not to remember them because they were covered by the blood of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't that a wonderful thing? To not be able to remember our sins? Because sometimes we do sin, even nowadays, don't we? And it's good to know that if we confess our sins.
He's faithful and justice tells us to forgive us our sins because.
Of the blood of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
They're put away by his blood.
You know what I I find helpful to remember these things because I made some big sticky notes and I find that when I see a color, sometimes if I can't find my sticky note, sometimes there's scriptures that the Lord has put in my head that when I see a color, it reminds me of that verse.
And that's a good thing, isn't it? When you see a color, you can remind you of Scripture verses. In that way, everything you see can remind you of the Lord. And that's a good way to be. So I had put some big sticky notes here. I've got some big sticky notes here to remind me. And here's one that we sang part of the song that says Isaiah 118.
And it says, Though your sins be a scarlet, they shall be white as snow.
Though your sins be scarlet, they shall be white as snow. So diverse that we could remember. Yeah, maybe you could say it with me. You ready? Though your sins be it scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Isaiah 118 Now you've got it in your head.
And the Lord will put it in your heart, and maybe you'll need to diverse sometime in your life. And the Spirit of God will bring it right to your remembrance. But just like that, you'll remember it. So that's a sticky note. Now another one. And this is red. Why do you think this is red? What does red remind us of? Yeah.
Jesus's blood, right? And because of that, the sticky note says first John 17, which says the blood of Jesus Christ.
His Son cleanseth us from all sins, right? Can we say that one, the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sins? How many sins?
Oh, oh, oh.
Oh, since isn't that wonderful to know that there's not one sin that doesn't imply and that's found in the Epistle of John first John 1/7?
So when I see red, what do I think of?
Jesus blood. That's right. It reminds me that he cleanses me from all sin. And if there's a sin in my life, I can confess that to the Lord and remember that I'm cleansed from that. It doesn't stop me from sinning, said to say, but it helps me to remember that there's one who loves me and died for those sins, and it keeps me from sending as much as possible. Now this one's brown.
What's brown the color of?
Yeah, dirt. Yeah, Browns dirt. Except when you're in PEI, then it's red.
What's usually brown color? Yeah, wood. That's right, wood. So this reminds me, because it's a wood color. It's Colossians 120, it says having made peace through the blood of his cross.
And that's how he made peace, wasn't it? He died on the cross of Calvary.
He died for us there. He hung on the cross and bore our penalty. We were supposed to die for our sins because that's what God says. If you sin, you will die. And the Lord Jesus took our place on the cross of Calvary. So let's do this one. This is Brown. It says Colossians 120 having made peace through the blood of his cross. Can you say that with me having made peace through the blood of his cross? So you see how important the blood of Christ is?
In the scheme of things, Oh, here's another one.
What does green reindeer stop? Yes.
Growing in the springtime after the winter. The winter is all white and everything gets covered and and that and it looks just Gray and blue. And all of a sudden the snow goes away and you start seeing the trees having nice green leaves and things like that, and the grass starts growing. Then we have to mow it and it grows and we mow it and it grows and mow it. That's what summer is all about, mowing lawns. But it's a wonderful time because everything's fresh and new and the birds start chirping and you get to see new life.
Growing up from the old dead winter. And that's why Green reminds me of this verse which is Second Corinthians 517. It says if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
Wait, a new creature? When we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior, he changes us and makes us a brand new person that we can do things and and see things and enjoy things with the Lord in a new and better way.
So let's let's say this verse together. It's Second Corinthians 517. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
Ready. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. A new creature. Something formed in Christ. Now here's 1 blue.
A blue sticky note. What does blue remind me of? Yes.
Water. Yes. What else? Yeah, The sky. What about the sky? Who lives in the sky? Yeah. Jesus. He lives in heaven, right? Tells me he's sitting at the right hand of God even now. So he's in heaven. But you know what? When the Lord was on the earth, he told his disciples. He said I have to go away, but I'm going to prepare a place for you in heaven. Isn't that a wonderful thing to know that we have a place prepared for us in heaven?
That is all ready for us.
So when the Lord comes and calls us home, we'll be there to spend eternity with him in a wonderful place because it's more wonderful because He's there. So let's look at this one. It's John 14. Two, it says, I go to prepare a place for you.
Can you say it with me?
I go to prepare a place for you, for you and me. Isn't that a wonderful thought, that the Lord Jesus himself would prepare a place for us in heaven to be with God?
Now the last one.
While we're waiting to go to heaven.
In the meantime, the Lord asked us to do something, and you know what it is?
After hearing all these things, all these sticky notes and all the verses, what do you think he asked us to do?
Yeah, preach the gospel. Yeah, that's one of the things he calls us to do. Yes, that's right. He calls us to remember him.
Because sometimes we get so busy in our days and the Lord knows our hearts and our minds and sometimes we tend to put them aside. Don't we put them in a a corner sometimes because we're so busy and focused on certain things? I mean, I need sticky notes to remind me of even the littlest things that I need to do and the most important things at the same time. So the Lord has asked us to remember Him.
And so after this meeting, we'll gather around a table with some wine, a cups of wine on it, and a loaf of bread, and we'll remember the Lord just as he asked us to do. It's not big, a big ceremony. It's a very simple way of doing things because he was a simple man and he tried to bring the truth of God in a simple way so that even a child could understand it.
And it pictures His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. The cup represents the blood that He shed for us, the price that had to be paid for our sins, right? The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. It was that blood that paid the price for your sins and my sins, that we could be free, that we could become that new creature, and that we could go to heaven and be with Him.
And that loaf on the table represents the body when he came down. He came down as a man. And it's a wonderful thing to think of, but it's hard to think of when you think of the very one who created the entire world came down as a man walked among his creation.
And died as a man.
It's a wonderful thing to think of, but He did that for you and for me so that He could once again pay the price for our sins on the Cross of Calvary.
So that's why we remember Him, because of that wonderful work that He did to bring us to God, because our sins had kept us away from God. And so He brought us back to God in that way. So there's a verse when I think of yellow.
I think of this verse in Luke chapter 22 verse 19, a very simple statement that the Lord said to you and to me to remind us and it says this do in remembrance of me. Very simple statement. It's a very simple thing we do, but it has very great meaning because it reminds us that the Lord Jesus died for our sins. So maybe we can say that Luke 2219 this do in remembrance.
Of me, let's say it again, this do in remembrance of Maine.
So that's important that when we the next meeting that we remain in a state of mind and heart, that we can worship the Lord who bought us and brought us back to God by his precious blood.
So perhaps we could sing and then pray sing a song that everyone knows.
Giving Him thanks in a way for what he's done in the short time left #40 Jesus loves me. This I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong. They are weak, but he is strong. And though it says little ones, I'm sure each one of us here can associate with the fact that we are all weak. But he is strong, the strongest of the strong ones.
Who by his precious blood died to save us and bring us back to God? If someone could start that, please #40.
Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Because Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me who died.
Yes, Jesus.
Loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loved me.
Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus.
Love me, the Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me, loves me still when I'm very weak, and I'll from his shining place on high come.
To watch me where I lie.
Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me.
We'll stay close beside me all the way. If I trust him, should I die, he will Take Me Home on high.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Our Father and our God, we do thank Thee for Thy great and gracious love to us and thanking Thee especially for the Lord Jesus Christ and that wonderful work on Calvary. We trust that everyone here can sing that song. Yes, Jesus loves me. And we thank you, Lord Jesus, for that great love that was shown to us on the cross of Calvary, How you died to take our place, to be our substitute.
And the sacrifice for our sins, from the youngest to the oldest one. Here we give you thanks and praise for what you have done for us. And though we don't always understand the consequences, we don't understand the way it was done, and the beauty and wonder and majesty of your glory. We thank you that you went willingly to the cross of Calvary for us, that your blood bought us and brought us back to God. And now the remains for us a place in heaven.
With you that we'll see you.
Face to face and be able to praise you and give you the glory for these things. So we trust that this message has.
Stop. Place in our hearts reminding us that there's so much to remember. We're so forgetful. Lord of You in the little daily things that we go through. We just pray that You would keep us in remembrance of Your great love for us in every aspect of our lives, from the youngest to the oldest. We thank you especially for the upcoming.
If the Lord carries that, we'll be able to remember the Lord Jesus in his death.
And that we will give him all the thanks and praise and honor that is due to him. Father, as we worship him, the one who loved us and gave himself for us. So we thank you once again that we commit this meeting into your hands for grace and memory. In his most precious and worthy name, we pray the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Amen.