Articles on

1 Kings 4

1 R. 4:26 KJV (With Strong’s)

And Solomon
Shlomoh (Hebrew #8010)
peaceful; Shelomah, David's successor
KJV usage: Solomon.
Pronounce: shel-o-mo'
Origin: from 7965
had forty
'arba`iym (Hebrew #705)
KJV usage: -forty.
Pronounce: ar-baw-eem'
Origin: multiple of 702
'eleph (Hebrew #505)
hence (the ox's head being the first letter of the alphabet, and this eventually used as a numeral) a thousand
KJV usage: thousand.
Pronounce: eh'-lef
Origin: prop, the same as 504
'urvah (Hebrew #723)
from 717(in the sense of feeding); a herding-place for an animal
KJV usage: stall.
Pronounce: oor-vaw'
Origin: or rarayah {ar-aw'-yah'}
of horses
cuwc (Hebrew #5483)
from an unused root meaning to skip (properly, for joy); a horse (as leaping); also a swallow (from its rapid flight)
KJV usage: crane, horse((-back, -hoof)). Compare 6571.
Pronounce: soos
Origin: or cuc {soos}
m for his chariots
merkab (Hebrew #4817)
a chariot; also a seat (in a vehicle)
KJV usage: chariot, covering, saddle.
Pronounce: mer-kawb'
Origin: from 7392
n, and twelve
`asar (Hebrew #6240)
ten (only in combination), i.e. -teen; also (ordinal) -teenth
KJV usage: (eigh-, fif-, four-, nine-, seven-, six-, thir-)teen(-th), + eleven(-th), + sixscore thousand, + twelve(-th).
Pronounce: aw-sawr'
Origin: for 6235
shnayim (Hebrew #8147)
feminine shttayim {shet-tah'-yim}; two; also (as ordinal) twofold
KJV usage: both, couple, double, second, twain, + twelfth, + twelve, + twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two.
Pronounce: shen-ah'-yim
Origin: dual of 8145
'eleph (Hebrew #505)
hence (the ox's head being the first letter of the alphabet, and this eventually used as a numeral) a thousand
KJV usage: thousand.
Pronounce: eh'-lef
Origin: prop, the same as 504
parash (Hebrew #6571)
a steed (as stretched out to a vehicle, not single nor for mounting (compare 5483)); also (by implication) a driver (in a chariot), i.e. (collectively) cavalry
KJV usage: horseman.
Pronounce: paw-rawsh'
Origin: from 6567

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J. N. Darby Translation

And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen.