“E. A.” Another Correspondent has applied to us this month for an opinion on the question contained in your note, as to the rightness of a Christian practicing or patronizing photography. It is just one of the thousand questions as to which each individual must act before the Lord for himself. It is certain, there is nothing about photography in the New Testament. “Pleasant pictures” are named by Isaiah amongst the things on which judgment will fall in the day of the Lord. We must not expect to find a literal text bearing directly upon each of the artificial occupations of this preeminently artificial age; and, most assuredly, if the Lord has not laid down rules for His people in these matters, it ill becomes them to lay down rules for one another. A single eye will enable us to form a sound judgment in all such things. We are acquainted with several Christian men who practice photography; and we know many who think it wrong to have anything to do with it. “Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.”