The first-born among many brethren, whose lips have so often spoken our names there on high, whose hand has so often been stretched forth to help us in the hour of need and trial. He is the One who is coming for us from the throne, to receive us home to Himself.
For us the Lord intends
A bright abode above,
The place -where sorrow ends,
And nought is known but love;
With such a hope lift up the voice,
Rejoice! again I say, Rejoice.
But he (Stephen) being FULL of the Holy Ghost, looked up INTO heaven, and saw the glory of God; (not his trial), and Jesus (His name and character when upon earth) standing on the right hand (place of power) of God; and see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man (the One who has and does fully all our griefs, sorrows, sufferings and trials, for He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief), standing on the right hand of God, Had Stephen looked at the circumstances in which he was placed instead of looking right into heaven, his suffering upon earth would have been to him far greater than all he saw in This same Jesus has still, as He ever had from all eternity, the same love and sympathy for all His tried and suffering ones. He takes the greatest interest in not only what we suffer here for Him, but also in cur every movement. There is not an ache, a pain, a trial, or sorrow, His heart does riot fully enter into. As I judge,- Jesus standing was in the attitude of a servant waiting upon, cheering and comforting His afflicted one, and waiting eagerly to receive him so soon as His purpose in leaving him upon earth should have been accomplished. All of us have our work to do down here, and depend upon it, we shall not go until it is done. Jesus willingly suffered all for us, without a murmur, but His heart yearns over those suffering for Him.
“In every pang that rends the heart,
The Man of sorrows had a part.”
Be our trial what it may, rest assured He knows all about and will take good care of us in
it, for—
“His heart is filled with tenderness,
His very name is love.”