7 Utterances of Christ on the Cross Pt.1

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Address—H. Brinkmann
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Let's turn to him 71 in the appendix.
Oh, my savior.
I'll save.
God is.
Love by your ear.
I have learned my.
To my.
And Monday.
The Lord.
Yes, I love.
My desire is to look at the crowd.
And especially.
That which was expressed by the Lord Jesus while he was on the cross.
His utterances.
7 offences came from his mouth while he was on the cross.
And we I think we'll find.
Our touch when we look at these things.
But we have to realize that.
That which he himself uttered there on the cross.
Is comparatively little compared to what we find.
In the rest of the word of God, even in the Old Testament prophetic utterances, we find only their fulfillment. In the Lord Jesus himself, you know, we find in the sound and even in the prophets passages that can only be understood when we look at them in the life of what happened when the Lord Jesus was on the cross. And you know in prison them in general and especially Catholicism.
When they think of the cross, they think of the physical suffering that the Lord Jesus had to endure. And you know we were.
Visiting the Welsh first in Iowa to Western Park there and there is a place.
In where they had this crime, you know where they have these various stations of the passengers of the Lord Jesus.
On the way to the cross and we wanted to see that and you were amazed of the imagination of man's mind and put things there like supposedly the Lord Jesus broke down three times while he was carrying the cross to call Rosa nothing mentioned there of Simon the Cyrenian that carried across.
And that.
Came very vividly to my mind again that what these people are occupied with is the physical suffering. Now they were real, no doubt what the Lord Jesus endured there on the cross. And I believe he felt these things more than you and I would feel them if we would be facing the same suffering, because his senses were not dulled by sin as it is.
With you and I also the chain, the ridicule.
All of that have penetrated his soul deeply. I'm sure he felt that much more than you and I would feel it, but we have to recognize that the physical suffering.
Are not the things that accomplish our redemption. Atonement was made when in the three hours of darkness, the Lord Jesus from the hand of God.
Exhausted Divine wrath against sin. It was all poured out upon that sinless victim when He bore the eternity of our judgment in three hours of darkness when He laid down His life.
And saying the phony suffering industry hours when he laid down his life and when he shed his blood. These three things have made the torment one work of atonement, the block that floats from his pierced side.
The only blood that the Word of God mentioned.
But the blood of Jesus Christ, God Son, cleanses us from all sin.
But the agony of his soul, the suffering and that which he fell when he was on the cross, you know, when he needed the help of God as a dependent man more than at any other time.
In life, he didn't receive any help. Not only didn't he receive any comfort from man, his own followers.
As a scripture prophetically says, he looked for comfort food and there were none. You know, that's a pathetic word about his suffering.
Meet a man of God gave him any comfort, any aid, and then when he is in his great need of God, he punished he is.
Connie, my God, for everything that you and I have ever done, and.
More than that, he was made sense, but no, no sense. Many do understand about the sins that we have committed, that he bought them on his tree. But they don't understand that the word of God presents things in two ways since the deeds that we have committed and sin that we produce.
The evil deed was all just in the personal soul of Jesus. It's a tremendous chapter when we read in Second Corinthians. He who knew not sin may tend for us that we might become the righteousness of God in his He was dealt with as sin needed to be dealt with, not only the fruit that we had seduced with God also.
There aren't three that produced it was just in the cross of Christ.
And what he experienced in his soul, how could we possibly enter into them?
You know, because he was a sinless holy wisdom.
And I've only kind of seen there was never a time it is eternal electricity when there wasn't communion between him and his Father.
But at the cross Communion was broken. We do not agree that he was forsaken of the Father.
He believed that he was the 2nd of God.
But there was no communion.
You know, if there had been communion, that would have mitigated the judgment. That would have eased the decant pain and suffering. But no, there was no communion. Communion was broken.
And he was made saying.
And how this must have been completely felt by him. You can see what happens when.
In Gethsemane, when he anticipated the drawing, he wasn't indeed suffering yet, but in anticipation we find that sweat has great drops of blood fell into the ground. That's how great the agony was, said he felt just in anticipating what was important.
But how much more it must have been when he actually was in there, when he did, not only anticipatingly, as he thinks before his soul, but when he was in them and endured them and exhausted divine wrath against sin. Have you ever thought of this?
How could the Lord be there in three hours of darkness?
Exhaust divine arrest against faith. Make atonement for all the sins of all the redeemed that were committed from Adam until the last one is saved.
How could he bear their Lord? How could he make in three hours atonement for that eternity of our judgment? But the answer is, I believe, look who it was taking here.
You know, he could have never died, had enough become a man, but he didn't see what he ever was. The son of God who loved me, Paul says, and gave himself for me. It's God's plan that became the Lamb of God, and only that is the reason why he could accomplish.
Atonement in three hours of darkness and exhaust divine wrath against sin.
And bear all these sins in three hours.
The Lord was infinite.
But so was the sanctified. What a savior. I just think God's Son is the one that became a man and went to tell his thoughts.
Wonderful saviour. But let's read now.
Those seven occasions that we have, we start with.
Matthew 27.
I don't think we'll be able to go through them in one hour and maybe, Lord willing to continue tonight.
We read some.
33 of 1927.
And when they were come on to the place called Sodosa, that is to say, a place of a skull, they gave him vinegar to drink, mingled with gold, and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink.
And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting loss that it might be wholesale, which was spoken by the Prophet, a pardon my garments among them. And upon my venture, if they can't love, and sitting down, they watched him there, and set up over his head his accusation written, This is Jesus the king of the Jews. Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand?
And another on the left, when they had, when they had passed by, reviled him, waking their heads, and saying, Thou that destroyed the temple, and buildeth it in three days, save thyself, if d'arby the Son of God come down from the cross.
Likewise also the chief priest, marking him with the scribes and elders, said he saved others himself. He cannot save he be the king of Israel. Let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted in God. Let him deliver him now if he will have him, for he said, I am the son of God. The thieves also, which recuccified with him, plans to stay in his teeth.
Now from the 6th hour there were darkness over all the lanes until the 9th hour. In about the 9th hour, Jesus Christ with a loud voice saying Eli, Eli, Lama Sebastiani. That is to say, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Some of them that stood there, when they have heard that that this man followed for a liar, and straightway one of them ran.
And took a sponge and filled it with vinegar and put it upon a Reed, and gave him drink to drink. The rest said, Let's be let us see whether Elias will come to save him. Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the goat. The hold of the whale of the temple was rent in twains from the top to the bottom. The earth did quake and the rock bred, and the graves were opened, and many bodies of the Saints which left a rose and came out of the graves after his resurrection.
It went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Now we're in the centuries, and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the earthquake. And those things that were done, they feared greatly saved. Truly this was the Son of God.
We're 33 and when they were come to the place which is called Calvary's deadly crucified him and the malefactor, one of the right and the other on the left. Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. They parted his raiment and cast love.
They're 39. One of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be the Christ, save thyself and others to us. But the other, answering, rebuilt him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? We indeed justice, for we receive the due reward of our deeds. But this man has done nothing amiss. He said unto the Lord.
Lord, Remember Me when thou cometh into thy Kingdom.
Jesus said unto him, Verily, by Sam says, Ease today shalt thou be with me in paradise. It was about the 6th hour, and it was a darkness over all the earth until the $9 The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was drenched in the midst.
When Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit, and having said thus, he gave up the growth. Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God's saying certainly.
This was a righteous man.
Past the 20?
We're 25.
Not as stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother sister married wife of Cleopatra, and Mary next to leave. When Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciples standing by whom he lost, he says unto his mother, Woman, Behold thy son.
1032 The disciple, behold thy mother, and from that hour the disciples took her unto his own home.
After this Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, that I thirst not, ever said a vessel full of vinegar, And they filled a sponge with vinegar and put it upon herself, and put it through his mouth.
When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, it is finished and he bowed his head to give up the gold.
I believe that.
When he looked at these utterances at the cross.
They realized that there are really only two utterances that give expressions to his own suffering, his own agony, and that is described at the end of the three hours of darkness. My God, my God, why is that taken?
That gives expression of the utterance or an utterance of the agony of his soul, what he felt, because he was forsaken of God.
But the other utterance, I third, speak of the extreme physical something that he felt. But otherwise, and this is what is so marvelous, we see that this divine sufferer.
Is worth of forgiveness.
His words of comfort.
To their dying faith and expresses his concern for his mother. I think this is a beauty that radiates from that person that is beyond comparison. In other words, he can rise above his own suffering.
And be concerned with his mother.
And give comfort to that dying thing and to have forgiveness, words of forgiveness for those who lamented him.
And someone has said while they were driving those nails through his hands.
Putting him on their claws, he says, My God, my God, why? I said, my father forgive them, for they know not what they do. This is really, I believe, the first utterance that he gave on the cross. You know, someone has said, and I believe that is correct to put these utterances in this order. My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me as the middle of it? And then?
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Woman, behold thy son today, thou shalt be with me in paradise, and then.
I cursed.
It is finished.
Father into thy hands by coming back to it, but the middle cry is.
That was moved on, I believe most deeply because it expresses the agony of his soul, and we find it given twice. We find it again in the mark in the March Gospel. But there we have it in the Chaldean language, the language that was spoken by most of the Jews at the time when the Lord Jesus was here. Eliot Lama Sabachthani. Well, why do I believe that?
That the utterances before the cross came in that order, because I believe.
As we have read in Matthew.
The thieves, Both thieves, mock the Lord visa.
But in look we see that there was a change.
In that one state.
There was a change of heart with that man. Evidently his eyes were open to the glory of that person that was hanging there. And what do you think brought about that change? I believe the change came about because of what he heard and what he saw.
How the Lord Jesus was suffering here, and to hear words of forgiveness, words of concern for his mother, you know, I believe that that thing that was hanging there was a Jew. He knew about the Kingdom. Perhaps he had a godly mother.
That had told him about the word, the truth of God, as if you had it, that there was a Kingdom coming, but he couldn't take care of his mother. But he sees the Lord Jesus being concerned for his mother.
To attract his mother to the disciples who give his love. You are very touching that you find that in John's Gospel, which presents the Lord Jesus as the Son of God.
You know, yet we do see him concerned for his mother. He doesn't say mother, he says woman, but he takes care of his mother. But just to show the order, I believe deep to utterances.
Must have opened the eyes and what he saw, what he heard. I don't think there was ever a person who could buy the Roman crucified many. It conducted himself the way the Lord Jesus did. But he was there on the cross, you know, It wasn't only the sea that evidently had a change of heart. He read that he spent touring him and those with him.
You know, I used to always say that it was a Centauri and that the thief on the cross, but I believe there were others that there were that were with the centurion there. And they said this is the Son of God. You know, their eyes were also to the glory of that person. And our eyes can be opened, our hearts can be drawn to that person, just like the thief, just like the centurion and all soldiers that were with him. I believe we ought to be many times.
Occupied with this divine suffering, what he had endured for us in a heart, he warmed again.
You know that our love might revive, you know, in Christendom.
They take these things up.
On Good Friday, you know when they in Christendom celebrate the death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. But I believe as believers, why does the Lord Jesus institute the supper before he left?
Because he knows how forgetful we are.
And that we need to remember again and again what he has done for us.
To remember the Lord Jesus. You know we sometimes only speak about announcing his death. He says as often as you do this, you shall fall my death. But do this in remembrance of me. You know, we should remember more than just that he died. We should remember him He occupied with him. You know, I think that's the most wonderful thing to do on Lord say morning.
Oftentimes we are occupied with what we have received through the death of the Lord Jesus and the place of nearness into which we have been brought, but to be occupied with his glory, to think of who it is that died, you know.
The flip fitting, mother said. See him dying on the tree? It's the Lord. It's God's anointed.
Son of man and Son of God, you know there is nothing more wonderful than the occupation with the Lord Jesus himself. Someone has said what's the difference between prayer, praise and worship. And he made it clear this way. He said in prayer the soul is occupied with his knees and comes to the Lord.
In praise the soul is occupied with His blessings, and that's oftentimes what occupies us on Lord today morning.
But in worship we occupied with the blessed earth Thou art my portion we have in the sound already. That's the most wonderful thing, That He is mine, That He's yours. That we are His.
Well, the first utterance is Father. Forgive them, for they know that what they do in this most beautiful, Don't you see a moral glory reality uncompared for anything that you can witness in this world? And if there is in some of his followers a reflection of this same grace demonstrated perfectly in Him, it's only because of having become to know Him.
You know, you see that It's Steven.
Remember Stevens case in Acts Chapter 7?
But chance of what I expected.
At the very end.
Of chapter.
For 60 And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice. Lord.
Lay not this sin to their charge. When he had said this, he felt asleep.
He had learned that at the feet of his face.
This is not natural for men to react in this way when people treat them like Steven was treated here, Sony. Steven said that a man that had been faithful, you know, the Jews had stones, had crucified the Lord Jesus, their Messiah. We will not have this man reigning over us. And if Stephen, they reject the testimony of the Holy Ghost and they send a messenger after him, we will not have this man to reign over.
And Steven chose the Spirit perfectly displayed in the Lord Jesus by asking forgiveness for his enemies. But we also find in Timothy he might say, well, this kind of thing.
To manifest forgiveness.
That and the spirit of grace on the part of the believer when he feel treated by the unbelievers, that is understood and that's what we should do. But what about cold situation? What was his situation?
In chapter four we read.
We were 16 at the first answer. No man stood with me, but all men forsook me. I pray God that it may not be late to their charge.
Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me. You see, here you have again the Spirit of forgiveness.
Maybe some of us have experienced that at times when we were looking for comfort and encouragement and help from our brethren. We didn't get it. Paul could rightly expect from his fellow believers that they would be with him there when he stood before Caesar.
Yet they pursue him.
But again, Paul manifests the spirit of forgiveness, that it will not be held against them, he said. You know, I wasn't really alone.
The Lord was here, But when the Lord Jesus spoke these words, he could not let Paul say that God was at his side. You know He had no help from anybody alone. He bore the cross. He stayed all the time alone. It reads this thing. But there is a even in many ways more wonderful.
Answer to that prayer.
And how God dealt with that guilty nation.
That crucified, rejected and crucified the Lord of glory. You know, the Lord Jesus in John's gospel said you know whence I am, who I am, and whence I am. I think it's in John Chapter 7.
But here the cross he says, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. What is God's answer to this prayer?
When Peter addresses his guilty nation in his third chapter, he made this statement in verse 17. And now brethren, I want that to ignorance. He did it.
It did also the rulers.
In other words, what we find here.
The sin of rejecting and crucifying the Messiah is made of his Someone has said the city of Refrigerator was open to that guilty nation. We know from the Old Testament when somebody had premeditatingly murdered somebody, there was no mercy for such a one, the avenger of blood.
Had to say that person eye for eye and tooth for tooth. But if it was ignorantly done, accidentally done, then there were six cities of refuge to which if you could flee, and then he was saved. And you know, we find in Hebrews that they had fled to rescue for rescue to the Lord Jesus. Well, isn't that wonderful to have the answer to that prayer in the message of Peter to that guilty nation?
He did an exam. The city of refuge was open. There was grace and mercy open for them now if they would accept it.
But how wonderful for you and me. If we have come to know the Lord Jesus, we have a divine nature and by the grace of God we are unable to manifest the spirit of forgiveness. People might say, well, I'll forgive him, but I won't forget. But he said we'd be forgiveness. That's not forgiveness.
The Lord Jesus, when He forgives our sins, When God Forgives our sins.
He will remember them no more. You know, He doesn't say I'll forget them, you know, because forgetfulness is a human weakness. But God chooses to not remember our sins, and so he had cast them behind his back. Yes, they moved them from us as far as east from the West, passed them into the depth of the sea. What a wonderful, forgiving God.
We have. It's true that if somebody sins against us, unless they contest the sins and ask forgiveness, they can't really receive forgiveness and but we can't have the spirit of forgiveness for them ready to do so as soon as there is the acknowledgement of it. Notice in Matthew 18 with the 10,000 talent that are.
At where the 100th pins that are.
In order 10,000, tell him debtor is really what we owe to God and we're forgiven. We could never pay the debt that we owe, but we are forgiven. But the 10,000 talents that are acknowledged, he said and pleaded for mercy and he received it. But then comes the 110, the hundred 10s better. That's what we might owe to each other. And then we find that the one that was.
So graciously dealt with, and had been forgiven so much he was not sure the spirit of forgiveness that his master had shown to him.
Of that a condition where that is found among God's people.
But that second utterance of the Lord Jesus?
Woman, Behold thy son.
You know the Lord Jesus when he ordered Son.
Of Mary and Joseph he had four brothers.
You know two of them are writers of New Testament of Facebook, James Jude. Where are their names turned to Matthew 13.
Report 54 When it came into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue in so much that they were astonished and said, Whence has this man his wisdom, his mighty work? It's not this The carpenter's son is not his mother called Mary, and his brethren James. That's the writer of the Epistle of James and Joseph.
Simon and Judah.
And his sisters, Plural. Are they not all with us?
Why did he not commit his mother to one of these? First of all, of course, they were an Ethi grade at the cross.
John was there, and so were some women. Is that remarkable in itself? We women that we speak of weakness. They were there, but the men had fled. But John the disciple whom Jesus loved, was there, and he commits his mother to the disciples, who was in the enjoyment of the love of the Lord Jesus. It wasn't that the others were not loved by the Lord Jesus, but it is John that always refers again and again.
That he knew that Jesus loved him. He doesn't refer to himself as John, just simply as the disciple whom Jesus loved. And it is to death disciple that he is trust his mother not to his brethren in the flesh. We know that they didn't believe on him at this point. We find that in John's Gospel.
And that the statement made shortly before he suffered we do find later on.
In the book of Acts that Mary and his brethren are in the number of those in the upper room. But.
At this point, when the Lord Jesus was dying, he had no testimony that they belonged to him. The contrary, they didn't believe on him. But through his death and resurrection there must have been a change. They were drawn to him. But the Lord Jesus enters, married to John the disciple who was in the enjoyment of the love of the Lord Jesus.
Entrust any of our loved ones to any better person than one who is in the enjoyment of the Savior Love.
I personally take this to show that our spiritual relationship, our closer relationships than the relationships of nature, and that they have higher claims on us than our natural relationship.
And the Lord Jesus, why his mother could be taken care of in that wonderful.
That he feels that responsibility. In our day and age, this is what we can learn from the Lord Jesus.
In our day and age, people try to get rid of the responsibility of looking after their loved ones. You know what is common thing is they put a nursing home, you know, instead of looking after them when we are able to look after them. I'm not saying that there is not a possibility that someone's condition becomes such that they need a 24 hour care and that we cannot take care of them personally ourselves anymore.
But the tendency is that we dump that responsibility on nursing homes where we would still be able to look after these things ourselves. I didn't know Brother Anderson very well when we were gathered, but I know that for some time he was down in Texas looking after his father and his mother, you know, and brethren felt that he should put them in a nursing home because he had a gift and could move amongst the God's Saints and encourage them.
And build them up, he said. No. My parents are my responsibility, you know, and I respected him very much for that. I believe the Lord took notice of care. Look at his wife now. She's up there in Canada.
At Kent and Maryland looked after her. So we stopped down the way home from Regina, you know, and it takes a lot of love and effort to do that.
But that is what the Word of God tells us is our responsibility.
And the word of God goes so fine to say that if we do not take care of our own and the streets say of the widows, those who are elderly, we have ignite the faith and are worse than an unbeliever.
That's a serious charge, isn't it? In the word of God. Now, like I said, I know the time I pump that one of our loved ones is in such cool physical shape that we cannot give them the care that they deserve, that they need medical attention all the time, where 24 hours care. It's impossible for us to give them the care they deserve, and we might have to hospitalize them or institutionalized them. But.
How often could we look after them and we turn them over?
To the nursing home the Lord Jesus, and turned them over, turned his mother over to the disciples, toward the enjoyment of the love of the Lord Jesus. We know that Joseph was evidently quite a bit older than married his wife, that is generally understood to be so. He was no longer living, and so Mary was a widow.
And the Lord Jesus tenderly turns her over to John John cooker to his home. And I don't think after his present belief that he gave up that responsibility, he loved the Lord Jesus too much and to not fulfill what the Lord had entrusted and to wear.
You can learn from our Lord Jesus even in this way. And I'm sure that thief on the cross was touched by all of that deeply, you know, even very wicked and cruel men when he had a Pinterest part in their hearts for their mother, you know. And I wouldn't be surprised that that is what contributed for this man's eyes being open and he saw who that person was.
He saw there must be more than a beer man. That's the Messiah.
And he addresses him as Lord, He says, Lord, Remember Me when thou Thomas, is thy Kingdom, he manifest faith.
You know, faith doesn't look at circumstances. If he would have looked strictly at circumstances, he was someone in nails on the cross. He was going to die there on the cross, and he seized in that man the Messiah. And faith says if that's the Messiah, no matter what the circumstances look like, he'll be the king and he's going to reign. And I don't want to lose out.
He says, Remember Me when thou cometh into thy Kingdom.
Thank the Lord Jesus. It's my sister. You don't have to wait 15 minutes.
Today thou shalt be with me in paradise. You know the Jehovah Witnesses who don't believe in.
The intermediate state that is.
A conscious existence after death.
Present and the resurrection. They don't believe that they speak of the soul sleep. So do the cousins of the Jehovah Witnesses, the 7th Day Adventists. They really have their same origin. If you have known that before, it really has the same origin. One line of them went to become certainly Adventist, the other line became the whole witnesses and much of their Datsun is really the same in some areas. The sword sleep is another thing.
How do they translate this first?
It translated this way, I say unto thee, today, comma, thou shalt be with me in paradise.
But the Lord Jesus is saying this very day you're going to be with me in paradise.
You know, and it's a wonderful thing to look at the scriptures that deal with this intermediate state, the scriptures that tell us what it is like for those that die in faith after they close their eyes and go through that, and what is going to happen to them? Where are they? Well, you have a scripture in Luke 16 that gives us an insight. Luke 16 is the scripture.
Where the Lord Jesus for the first time hope that curtain aside and lets us look into the beyond.
You know into the.
Into the.
Sphere is, I put it this way, or where those are or what the condition that's better out for the history. What's the condition of those areas that die and say and what the condition is of those who die in unbelief. It's really not a place. It's really a condition because.
It's the soul that is the point in question. Where are the souls where the spirit of those who die And in the Old Testament?
That was not made clear that there were two compartments. You know that there was the state of bliss and happiness for those who had died in faith, and that there was a state of torment. Torment of soul begins for those who die in unbelievable, and there's a great dull fix.
And no one can come from the one place into the other. You know their eternal destiny is determined. They cannot change.
Their destiny any longer.
But how wonderful the poor man Lazarus is. In Abraham's puzzle, the rich man is in torment.
He's anticipating if he's not in the body, it's only his soul, his spirit that are there in torment. But for us who are in the body is.
Torment of his soul are explained in physical terms. He is in the lake of fire, you know he is in torment. He is not yet in hell because in the King James it says hell, but it is Hades it's.
Where the souls that are departed are the state that they are in, and there we find that he's in torment.
Lazarus is an Abrams position. Abraham has put them for a Jew is the place of supreme bliss semi activists. But we know that Zacchaeus was told that salvation had come to this house, that he was the son of Abraham.
While the other Jews claimed that they were sons of Abraham, according to the flesh they were, they descended from him. But we know that only those who had Abraham's faith.
Are Abraham children, even as Jake tiles are referred to as a grand children, So this man was in Abraham's bosom the father of all the faithful, all the believers. He had gave to him faith, and he was implicit and happiness, while this other man was in the foreman. Have you ever thought of that? What added to his torment was that he saw the bliss and happiness.
Just imagine.
A child of fishing parents hearing the gospel many times.
And not accepting the Lord Jesus.
And in there he parted the state. They'll see their loved ones that have gone before, that their winter, Lord Jesus, in the place of bliss and happiness.
And they can't have any part of it, you know?
Abraham couldn't even send Lazarus to cool the tongue.
Of the regime.
You know, he was in hell not because he was rich. The problem was that because of his riches, he didn't concern himself.
About eternal matters. Everything was centered about this life on this earth and to have comfort, bliss and happiness see on earth.
But poor Lazarus, he wasn't there because he was poor, but because he was poor. He had nothing in this world, and he must have looked for that which would give him something beyond his life. You know, we find and those who have pleased the gospel and in poor countries.
The gospel is much more readily received than in Western land where we have so much. You know, people couldn't kill it as long as they have a lot of money, big cars and comfortable homes. And all of this is their concern. Maybe young people, as long as they succeed in school and get good grades and so on and so forth, have a motorcycle and.
Whatever else young people might like, How sad that.
The many things that we might have.
My sheep are some looking for that rich has eternal values. Poor Lazarus had nothing in this world but ensure found some better things after he closed his eyes. So that gives us to understand something about the intermediate state. But Paul speaks in Philippians.
Of the same thing he says, you know, he was the six two things He didn't know what he could choose a life of useful service he on the earth, which would be for the benefit of the same, or for him to be part and to be with Christ, which for him would be much better, while we know more than than just what we find in Luke 16 that was before the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus now.
Pause teaching. We know that those who go to die, the God takes them home to be with himself. They're not getting the glory. You know, many times we make statements. I've made statements like that myself. But you might say, well, this one has gone to be with Christ in the glory. Well, that is really only when we all receive their glorified body, when we build the light, Him and with him.
But nevertheless they are with the Lord Jesus. You know, when my mother went off to be with the Lord, I couldn't even go to her funeral. But what a comfort it was for me to go. She's with the Lord Jesus. The same teaching Paul gives in Second Corinthians.
Absent from the body, present with the Lord. You know, when death comes, the Spirit and the soul leads the body.
That house, that earthly home, is left behind. What we put in the grave is really only this shell.
The house in which the loved one dwells, He himself or she is now present with the Lord. Well, he would be outright selfish, wouldn't we? If one of our loved ones little funny or any of our loved ones, you would want them back, you know we know where they are. We know they are with the Lord Jesus.
You know, they are promoted. They got ahead of us, you know, and we would long to be with him. David said when his son died that he will go to here.
He didn't know yet about the differences that we know about the same when.
Saul, the king called, went to the witch of Endor, and called up Samuel.
Samuel said tomorrow you'll be where I am. You know we don't know the difference of the place for believers and unbelievers, but how wonderful we have these teachings in the New Testament that we know where our loved ones are and then we know they are with Christ.
The latitudes himself for three days and three nights there with a grave. You know he was in Haiti, but we find in the Psalms. Thou shalt not leave my soul in Hades, nor my flesh to seek corruptness. You know the Lord Jesus would be raised, and he is now a risen man.