“A Constant Reader,” Andover. We heartily concur in your judgment of spirit-rapping—that it is a work of the devil: a thing with which Christians should have nothing whatever to do. We believe it takes its place among the many influences at work, just now, to lead the hearts and consciences of men away from God and His Word, and to exalt infidel reason. We deeply feel the solemnity of the times in which we live. We are not fond of croaking or complaining. We have never seen much good resulting from it. But we cannot shut our eyes to startling facts. We see the horizon becoming darker and darker every day. Yes, darker and darker, notwithstanding the soul-stirring records of Revival Journals. Christianity is attacked. The divine inspiration of the Bible is denied. Professing Christians talk of the luxury of holding secret communion with the spirits of the departed. Superstition, flimsy profession, cold orthodoxy, false pietism, worldly and self-indulgent religiousness, are all diligently paving the way for infidelity and atheism. What do we want to enable us to cope with these hosts of hell? Profound reverence for the Word of God, and implicit subjection to its authority. What saith the Scripture? Be this our one inquiry. Let us set the Word of our God above everything and look upon every argument tending to shake its authority, as coming directly from the great liar—that old serpent, the devil. If a man come to me with an argument to prove that 2 and 3 do not make 5, should I listen to him? Surely not. So if one come to pick holes in the Bible, should we listen to him? Nay, but regard him as an emissary from hell—an agent of Satan, no matter what he calls himself, Doctor, Bishop, Brother, Father, or aught else. Oh! when will Christians be decided?