A Bolshevist Finds Peace

There has been a wonderful work going on for God in Belgium. Thousands of people are listening to the Gospel preached in the open air, and in the Protestant Mission Huts in many of the Belgian towns. Many are longing to throw off the yoke of the Romish Church; they willingly take Gospels and Testaments, and speak to Christians about their desires to know more of Christ. Mr. R. C. Norton writes about the work and gives the following incidents of God’s blessing. He says: ―
In one day in the city of Bruges, at the Catholic fete called the Fete of the Holy Blood, when a cloth is carried through the streets which is said to have on it four or five drops of the blood of Christ, and when the city was filled with tens of thousands of visitors, we distributed twenty thousand Gospels and some forty thousand pieces of other religious literature. Several people sought us for interviews that day. One man began to speak to my wife in Flemish. She told him in French that she could not speak that language; then he began in French, saving, “I am a Bolshevist, an Anarchistic Socialist, but that man that spoke just now,” referring to one of the soldier boys converted during the war and led to Christ by Peter, “has peace, and I have not. Can you tell me how to get it?” My wife spoke to him for a while and then called Mr. Mietes, who now has charge of the work at Bruges, who spoke to him in Flemish, and made an engagement with him. He said to Mr. Mietes, “I see the truth, but not as clearly as I desire.” Mr. Mietes afterward went to his home and had the joy of hearing him and his wife and two of his children accept Christ; and there are two younger children yet to know the truth. Following this street meeting we began a service in Bruges, and after four weeks there were sixty or more people in the Bible class that meets on Friday nights.
A Canal in Bruges Thank God for this gracious work in Belgium. We must pray that it will continue and increase. We have sent a great many parcels to Belgium, and are willing to send Testaments to any worker there who needs them now.