January, 1921.
... Our meetings for the ex-service men have been poorly attended of late, but we are making special efforts now.... May God our Father teach us to say and know that “all things work together for good to them who love the Lord.” I trust that your health keeps good, also that the dear Doctor is well. May the Lord bless you both in His joyful service. A fortnight ago I had the pleasure of preaching the good news at my local assembly, and last week in the big Church of the Workhouse. This is the first time I have preached from a pulpit.... I saw a young man who was converted at Northampton about five years ago, and I trust to get him along to the, meetings. I had the joy of leading him over the line from Death to Life. I do not fast from theaters and picture palaces because I have no desire for them. When one feeds upon Christ, “a table spread and a cup running over,” we have no desire for this world’s mean and dry crusts. May our God and Father continue to bless you in His work and give you all the necessary strength and grace according to His sure promise, “As thy day, so shall thy strength be.”
Yours in His great love, George P—.
Reader remember! You can never be saved if you deny the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is Jehovah-Jesus, the Word made flesh, God over all blessed for evermore. “What think ye of Christ?”