A Contrite Heart.

DEAR lads, no doubt you are all familiar with the text, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou will not despise”; but have you ever thought how often the Lord has to smite us, just to bring us to Himself, with a contrite and broken heart? Well, nearly nine years ago, on a cold, dreary Sunday in March, a loving mother was earnestly speaking to her boy of God’s love, and of the necessity of his coming to a decision to receive Jesus as his Saviour, so that he might have Him as his Friend through life, on the difficulties of which he was just starting. The lad, like many others, thought he would have to give up his pleasures, and, not being prepared for this, reasoned that religion was all very good for old people, but that young folks must enjoy their youth. So to evade his mother’s further entreaties he rose abruptly and left the room.
That dear mother had never again to speak to her boy of her Saviour, but God spoke to him with a loud voice. Just three days after, ongoing into his mother’s bedroom, this lad found his mother lying cold in death: she had been suddenly called to the home above. Ah! then he resolved to become religious; he resolved―yes, and tried, in all earnestness―to lead a good life. But it was uphill work: for a few days he would be getting on so well, and then some temptation would come, and down he would fall again.
This state of things continued for nearly a year, and he was just about to give up in despair, when one day he heard a minister speak on the words, “I am the Way.” After explaining how that Jesus was the only way to the Father, he turned in the direction of the lad, and, as if specially addressing, him, said, “Young man, have you been trying to get to heaven your own way? Oh! give it up, and take God’s way―simply trust in the merits and death of Jesus.” Sitting there, at that moment, the lad yielded himself at once to Him who had died to redeem him, and today, after eight years, he wishes to tell you, dear lads, that it is the best thing he ever did in his life, and to entreat you to come and share his joy in the same precious Saviour. M.D.J.