My friend, Mrs. R., is an aged woman; she loves the Lord Jesus, and knows that He loves her, but she is not always calm and happy.
The other day she said to her husband, “When you are gone to town, if no one comes to see me, I feel that I must go out and make a call. I want to talk to someone. I get tired of being alone.”
“My dear,” said the old man, “when you are tired of being alone, and want to speak to somebody, take your Bible, and open it, and read; as you read, God will speak to you. When you are tired of reading, shut your book, lay it down, and then, speak to God. If you do what I tell you, you will not feel dull or lonely.”
What sweet and sensible advice! Surely there can be no better cure for a spirit of unrest or a feeling of loneliness. Unsatisfied christian try it. H. L. T.