MY DEAR CHILDREN, ―I think you have very little idea how anxious your teachers are that you should be really blessed, and how much it grieves them when they see you careless or inattentive.
A short time ago two boys in a class caused their teacher much sorrow. It was only a little thing that they did, but, oh! it showed that they were under the power of Satan.
The superintendent was addressing the school, and all were told to sit quietly, to listen to him, and answer his questions. He was speaking of the love of the Lord Jesus, and His invitation to poor sinners, “Come unto Me;” when these two boys, who seemed to be sitting still, began to play―and what do you think that they had found to serve them as playthings? Two little narrow green leaves, each about an inch long! One boy put a leaf on his mouth; the other boy did the same. Then the first boy moved the leaf to his cheek, and the other was about to copy him, when the teacher saw what they were doing, and stopped them. Anything rather than the gospel; even two little leaves, which these boys would not have cared to notice at another time! How sad it is when children find it very dull, while the Scripture is being explained!
This may appear to be a very trifling incident, hardly worth writing about, but “Even a child is known by his doings.” (Prov. 20:1111Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. (Proverbs 20:11).)
Your teachers, my dear boys and girls, are looking, longing, and praying for your conversion, desiring to see that you, at least, pay attention to what is said in school, and hoping that the word spoken may prove to be the “good seed” falling into ground prepared by the Spirit of God to receive it. “From a child” Timothy knew “the holy scriptures;” will you not also seek to know them? They are able to make you “wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” Time is hastening on, eternity is drawing nearer and nearer to you day by day. Oh! listen with all your hearts to the happy truths in which your teachers instruct you. H. L. T.