A Deserter's Mistake

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Some years ago, I met Walter in a little English town. Here, after years of wandering in both hemispheres, he had taken up his abode.
When he was a young lad Walter had a longing for a sea-faring life. He finally left his home and enlisted in the Royal Navy. Years later he grew tired of a sailor's life and resolved to desert when opportunity offered.
When his ship was ordered to Australian waters the opportunity came. While the fleet was at anchor in Southern Australia, Walter obtained shore leave and escaped to the interior. For many years he remained in hiding.
Then the late Queen Victoria to commemorate the 50th year of her reign issued a Royal Proclamation. It was addressed "TO ALL DESERTERS” and it promised a free pardon to any who reported to the divisional officer.
In telling me his story Walter said: "Of course I am free since pardon has been granted to all.”
"But did you fulfill the conditions and report?" I asked.
"No," was the reply.
To this I answered, "Then you are a deserter still!" For in spite of the fact that a Royal Proclamation had been made, he was still an offender against the law and liable at any moment to be apprehended and punished. The year of Jubilee had passed and he had not reported.
I relate this incident, my reader, to illustrate the import of another proclamation which has been issued by the King of kings and Lord of lords. It tells of the pardoning grace of our God and of free salvation offered on this one condition: "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:99If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9).)
God delights to pardon. But He waits for the offender to own his guilt before bestowing upon him the priceless boon of salvation.
Reader! Put in your claim NOW, ere the day of grace ends. God offers pardon and salvation to "whosoever will," in this the day of His grace. Soon that day will be over. The door then will be closed, and the eternal destiny of every soul shall be fixed forever.
"Behold, now is the
accepted time; behold,
now is the day
of salvation.”