He Is Able

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
Able to save—unto the uttermost!
Oh, why art thou fearing to trust in the Lord?
Think not that the arm of His might can grow weary;
His power is almighty; oh, rest on His word.

Able to break every chain that may bind thee,
Although for long years thou a captive hast lain;
A crimson-dyed sinner the Savior may find thee,
But the blood of His cross it shall cleanse every stain.

Able at last in the hour of His triumph
To take His redeemed ones, resplendent and fair,
And thus to the Father in glory present them:
Then farewell forever to sorrow and care.

Able to do—"exceeding abundantly,”
Far above all that the heart can conceive;
Then why dost thou tarry?—the Mighty One waiteth;
His message of mercy, say, wilt thou receive?