There was a lady once who was very careless about her soul, for she loved the pleasures of the world and did not like to think about eternity. She was very fond of new clothes and liked to be seen in a new dress.
One night she dreamed she had put on a new dress, and as she looked down she found there were hundreds of little tags hanging from it. Each one had something written on it, and as she looked at the first, then the second, and many more, she found each one had a sin she had committed written on it. She became very upset when she thought about what her friends would think and say. In fact it bothered her so much that she woke up, and then was so relieved to find it was only a dream.
But God was speaking to her and she began to think of how the Lord Jesus knew all about her. She might hide things from her friends, but she could not hide anything from God. The Bible says, “Thou hast set our iniquities before Thee, our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance.” Psa. 90:88Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance. (Psalm 90:8).
Not one of us likes to get into the presence of God about our sins, for the light of His presence searches us through and through. But when we realize that the very One who knows all about us gave His Son to die in our place, fear is changed to thankfulness. Yes, God Himself is the One who has undertaken to settle the question of our sins, and through the work of His beloved Son on Calvary’s cross the whole matter is settled for those who will believe. The Lord Jesus, after bearing the awful load of sin, cried out, “It is finished.”
“Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
It is a terrible thing to die in your sins and meet God in your sins, for then eternal judgment will be your portion, but God is gracious and waits to save you now. Why not come today?