Some years ago, James Graham, a local preacher in Huron County, had returned home after a hard day’s work. As he prepared to retire for the night, he seemed to hear an inner voice telling him to go to a certain place where there would be some work for him to do. Although it was late he decided he should not resist this unusual voice and drove into the country. There he located the place he felt directed to go to, which proved to be only a farm house, apparently deserted.
Before returning to his home he timidly pushed open the door and shouted, but there was no answer. Being a man who acknowledged God in all his ways, he stood there in the quiet darkness and spoke to God in prayer in a clear voice that anyone could hear. He thanked his Father for the blessings he enjoyed and pleaded for the salvation of sinners. Then with a contented heart and relieved mind he drove home.
Some months later when Graham was visiting the county jail, he was informed that a prisoner wished to see him. The man was brought but the preacher did not recognize him. To Graham’s surprise, the prisoner told him that he had been in the deserted farm house and had heard every word of the prayer uttered that dark night when the preacher had called out and received no answer.
The prisoner informed Graham he had repented, given himself up to the police, and was now serving a short sentence for an earlier offense. The Lord had spoken to the prisoner who, realizing he was a sinner, had been converted. He was now right with God and enjoying the assurance of pardon for his sin and the certainty of eternal life.
Reader, have you taken God at His word? Have you realized you are a sinner and been converted? Are you enjoying pardon, assurance, peace and the happiness that only comes as a gift to you through Jesus Christ? He paid the price of redemption for you on Calvary. It is time for you to accept this offer.
H.J.A. The Gospel Monthly
Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
Christ is the Saviour for me;
Long I was chained in sin’s darkness,
Now by His grace I am free.
Now I can say I am pardoned,
Happy and justified, free,
Saved by my blessed Redeemer,
This is the Saviour for me.
Just as I was He received me,
Seeking from judgment to flee,
Now there is no condemnation,
This is the Saviour for me.