JEFF WAS a young cocker spaniel, and one wintry day he was out taking a walk with his master. When they passed the edge of a small pond they were startled by the frantic yelps of a puppy. The pup had apparently ventured into the water. A man and his little boy were trying to rescue their pup but the ice was too thin for them to walk out on it.
Every time the little dog would set his paws up on the ice it would break and he would fall back into the cold water again.
Without any hesitation, Jeff ran out on the ice and slowly edged is way toward the stricken pup. The ice held, and after many attempts he finally got close enough to grasp the little dog’s collar and so help him up on the solid ice. Then turning quickly as though he knew the ice would not hold their combined weight he raced to shore followed by the happy, grateful puppy. How thankful the pup must have been to his savior and friend. He ran to the side of the little boy who was as greatly relieved and thankful as he was.
I do not know if the cocker had ever met the little pup before or not. At any rate, it did not matter; he was willing to risk his life to save him.
We were all like that little pup sinking down into those dark waters of sin and death, without God, without hope. The Lord Jesus saw us in our peril and came to save us. There is nothing in us as sinners that could draw out His favor, but He came in the pure love of His heart, to show His kindness toward us and rescue us. Unlike the little spaniel whose feet never touched the dread water, the Lord Jesus went down into those deep dark waters of death and judgment which we deserved. When He rose again from the dead, He became the victorious living Saviour for all who trust Him. Is He your Saviour, dear young reader?