ROBERT WAS a Scotch boy, the son of Christian parents. When just a child, he learned to sing with his mother the old Psalms that were as household words to them in the kirk and by the fireside. When Robert grew up he wandered away from his homeland. He was captured by the Turks and made a slave in one of the Barbary States. But he never forgot the songs of Zion, although he sang them in a strange land and in the ears of heathen men.
One night, when out under the stars, in his loneliness he found comfort singing some of the old hymns he learned as a boy. It so happened that some English sailors on board a man-of-war heard the familiar tune of “Old Hundred,” “Praise God from whom all blessings flow,” floating over the waves. As they listened, the thought came to them that perhaps one of their own countrymen was languishing away his life as a captive on that hostile shore. Quickly they armed themselves, manned a boat, and quietly paddled ashore. Soon they found poor Robert and made known to him the purpose of their coming. It was not long before they had him in the boat with them and were heading back for their ship. Oh what joy it was for Robert to be with friends again after 18 long years passed in slavery!
However, those years were not wasted for Robert, for God makes all things work together for good to them that love Him, to them who are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:2828And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)). Robert proved the Lord’s love and care, and learned to trust Him in a way he had never done before.
“Trust in the Lord;...
“Delight Thyself also in the Lord;...
“Commit thy way unto the Lord;...
“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.”