“EIGHTEEN years of my life I was without Christ; but said, let me have my lusts and passions; let me enjoy all the delights of this world. I thought that when I was sixty or seventy years old I would think of religion. God came and knocked at my heart again and again; but I put Him off, and tried to drive Him away, till He broke it open and brought the light of life to the very bottom of the well.
My soul is quickened and united by the Spirit to the second Adam. I am still in the body of the old Adam. I have still the wretchedness of the flesh, in which dwelleth no good thing to combat against; and this causes that unceasing conflict described as ‘the flesh lusting against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.’ I have all this, but I so know that the penalty of all this was borne by the Lord Jesus that I can say, God has nothing against me. The whole value of the death of Christ is on my side, and accepting it, I can say that I am perfectly clear from all guilt.
I know no greater sinner than myself. I deserve to be utterly forsaken of God. But what was justly due to me Christ bore.
It is a strange thing that the first principles of religion are so forgotten in these days. Do you know what you imply when you say that you are a Christian? It is that, through Christ, you are as guiltless in God’s sight, as Christ Himself.”
G. V. Wigram.