Our dear young Friends: —We cannot tell you how thankful we are to the Lord for allowing us to send you a reward for the answers you have sent in to the Questions that have appeared in the little paper “Messages of Love”. As we have received the answers from so many, from month to month, it has been a great cheer to our hearts to know that many have in this way been helped to study the word of God. You may not now know the blessing that such study has, and will yet be, to you but if you are spared you will find that you have cause to thank the Lord for all you have learned of the truth He has given in His holy word. He has given us His word that we may know the way we may be saved and how we should walk to please Him, and thus be kept from the evil that is in this world. It is only as we walk according to its teachings that we can know what true happiness is. You will find as you grow up, that the enemy of your souls will have many temptations which he will put before you, and that he will do all in his power to turn you away, from the path of happiness, but the more you know of, and enjoy the truth of God, the less effect his temptations will have upon you. If you can say, as the Psalmist did. “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee” you need not fear what the evil one may say or do. Our prayer is that all our dear young friends may become so acquainted with the word of God; that its sacred contents may become so endeared to each heart, and its precious teaching obeyed, that each one may become a living testimony for Him, and in eternity be among those who receive from His lips those words, “Well done, good and faithful servant”, and from His pierced hand receive a reward for many an act done in His name A life spent for Him brings rich reward both now and hereafter.
We have received a number of very nice confessions of Christ from our young friends, which has given us cause to praise the Lord. Have recently heard from one who found peace with God while looking for the answers. Her attention was directed to a certain scripture that God used to speak peace to her soul. We trust others, whom we have not heard from, have also received blessing to their souls.
As we are about to begin our fourth term of Questions, it would afford us much pleasure to hear from many others whose names we have not yet had in our books, as well as from those whose names we already have.
A nice service that both old and young could render to the Lord is to encourage as many as possible to take up this study, and never until we are with the blessed Lord Himself will we know what glory such service will bring to Him. Could you not encourage your brother, or sister, or father, or mother, or some distant relative, or a friend to send in their answers each month?
We are thankful to say that the number of names in our books has increased each term, and we hope to hear from many more this coming term.
Would ask the prayers of all the Lord’s people for much blessing on this work.
Occasionally packages go astray in the mail, so if you, who have been sending in your answers, do not receive your reward by the latter part of May, please let us know and we will have it traced by the postal authorities.
ML 05/04/1902