WHAT a soothing, peaceful scene we have before us! The cows are quietly enjoying the cool, refreshing water, or resting on the greensward; and the laborers of the day are wending their way homeward to get their evening meal and have a night’s rest after their day of toil. This sweet picture carries one’s thoughts on to the blessed rest that awaits God’s people when the toils and sorrows of this poor world will be forever at an end. Here below we may have a night of rest, but the labors of the day must be taken up again; and for many there is an almost ceaseless round of toil. But all this will come to a happy end for those who are the Lord’s, when they are taken home to be with Him. A rest which will never be broken will then be entered upon. It will not be a scene of inactivity where rest itself would become irksome, but a scene of untiring activity filled up with unceasing, unending delights. The body will know no weariness; the spirit will know no sorrow: no discordant note will mar the harmony, the peace, the bliss of that perfect scene. The rest will be undisturbed, unbroken, and yet filled up with joy. Such is the rest that God has prepared for those that love Him.
ML 04/27/1902