How thankful we are that the Lord, in His grace, has allowed the little papers, “Messages of the Love of God,” to go out through the past years, and as we open Vol. 43, it causes renewed dependence upon Him. He alone knows how long, the papers may continue, but. He knows, and there we rest.
The Answers to the Bible Questions have been happily received, from each Answerer, as we know they have been over the Scriptures, the “Word of God”, in which we learn what great sinners we are, and what a great and loving Saviour the Lord Jesus is for sinners. We often wonder how many of our friends have put their trust in Him, and know Him as their own Saviour. It would indeed be blessed if we could meet them all in the glory with the Lord. If you are not saved, come to Him at once. He longs to save you.
It is with heartfelt thankfulness to all who have had fellowship, in the free distribution of the papers; also for the many prayers that have been offered for the work. The Lord does answer prayer.
The opportunities for spreading the simple gospel through the little papers are still increasing, May they continue to widen till the Lord comes, to His glory, and blessing, to precious souls. His coming draws near, and truly we say, “Come, Lord Jesus.”
The Names of those who have been answering the Bible Questions during the past year, will (D. V.) appear in the supplement of May 11Th issue. New names coming in late, cannot be listed in the paper, but they will receive a reward according the number of time answered.
ML 05/04/1941