How good it is to see two little girls playiny so happily together, and the older one giving little sister a pleasant ride. They both are enjoying. their play.
Do you not think God is well pleased when we show kindness and affection to one another? Yes, He is well pleased.
The way in which we can truly love one another, is to know the love that God has shown to us. Where He expressed His love to us the most was when He gave His own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be our Saviour. Jesus went to the cross to bear the judgment of God against our sins, and to die in our place, for we could have never taken away our own sins. Can you truly sing,
“Jesus loves me, this I know,
For the Bible tells me so?”
Then you wilt want to show love to others and tell them about His love for them too.
ML 05/25/1941