One summer we visited a farmer, and one morning, at his desire, we went out to count the sheep and lambs.
We were sorry to find that one lamb was missing in the count. Close search was therefore at once made at the pools, open ditches and other dangerous places, and the stray lamb was at last found caught among the thorns and briars of the hedge, and a good deal out of sight. It was most interesting to see that when set free, it scampered off across the meadow to its own company, where it was evidently very happy, and its companions seemed not less pleased to see their young friend liberated, and with them again.
Dear young reader, have you yet really known yourself lost, found, freed, and have you reached your own company?
How delighted God’s dear children always are to see others saved and brought to be with them. Love likes company, and heaven is full of love.
ML 05/26/1940