What a nice picture we have before us today in these Jersey Beauties. They are well cared for. Apparently the young girl has brought them along with the goat, to the creek for a drink and a cooling. The dog no doubt will watch them and keep them from going too far into the water.
In these cows and goat do we not see God’s wonderful care for boys and girls, older ones too, in providing milk for the, nourishment of our bodies? How thankful we should be to the Giver of every good and perfect gift!
There would be no growth for the babe, unless fed and nourished be milk, and we love to see baby grow. So it is with young believers, whom God calls babes in Christ. You know, dear ones, God has provided food for our souls, as well as for our bodies. There will be no growth of soul, unless we feed on God’s food,—the Bible. A young believer in a healthy condition will be hungry for God’s food.
ML 05/19/1940