Joyfully, joyfully, onward we move,
Bound for the land of bright spirits above;
Jesus, the Saviour, invites us to come;
Joyfully, joyfully, hasten we home.
Soon will our pilgrimage end here below;
Soon to the presence of Christ we shall go;
And if our hearts have to Jesus been given.
Joyfully, joyfully, rest we in heaven.
Voice of archangel, and trumpet of God,
Joyfully summon the quick and the dead;
Bright in His glory shall Jesus appear,
Upward in clouds shall we meet Him in air.
Partings all over, and sorrows all gone,
Blest in His presence eternally one;
Like Him, and with Him, forever to be,
Joyfully, joyfully, welcome the day.
Crowns may encircle our radiant brow,
Joyful we’ll cast them before Him and bow;
Harps of the harpers shall gladden the throne,
Joyful to tell He is worthy alone:
Angels in chorus their anthem shall raise,
Only to give Him all honor and praise;
And every creature around and above,
Joyfully, joyfully, rests in His love.