A Paid Bill

I HAD just paid my milk bill on Saturday. I said to the young girl clerk, “Please receipt the book, for I do not wish to pay the bill a second time, as I have once in a way had a bill come in again, and a receipt has shown it was paid.”
“No,” said she, “it would be wrong to demand payment again.”
“Ah! dear young friend,” I replied, “you have uttered a wonderful spiritual truth, which it is good to know and believe. I wonder if you know it, that God’s word declares that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, died for us; that is, He paid our debt for us who believe, and so God will never demand us to pay again, if we believe what He says.”
Read, reader, these wonderful texts I have selected out of many more, and may the “once for all” take firm hold of your soul.
“If for sin — see Jesus taking
All thy wickedness away,
Full atonement freely making,
Paving what thou cast not pay.”