A Personal Saviour

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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The meeting was over. A young man who had listened attentively was introduced to the preacher, who asked if he was a believer in Christ. He replied carelessly, “Of course I am! I have always believed in Him! We have no one else to believe in, have we? He died on the cross for us.”
Without arguing, the preacher said, “May I ask how old you are?”
“I am seventeen.”
“Will you answer another question? If you believe that Jesus died on the cross to save you from the pains of hell, have you ever really, when alone, knelt down and thanked Him for it? Is He your personal Saviour?”
“No,” was his honest reply.
“Then you must be a stranger to Him. He will say to all such, I never knew you: depart from Me. I beg of you, young man, for your soul’s sake, for Jesus’ sake, do not sleep until you have considered your ways and turned to the Lord. Just think, you have reached the age of seventeen and never thanked the Lord Jesus for all He did in order to pardon and save you forever!”
Could you be charged with the same neglect of the Lord Jesus? I beg you, let the love of Jesus move your heart to grateful love and adoration. He did a complete work for man’s redemption on the cross. He now is on God’s throne in glory, waiting for you. He will hear your prayers; He sees your tears; He will rejoice in your faith in Him and in your praise and thanksgiving. Then tell others: “Jesus died for me!”
The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.