A Pointed Text

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Years ago a Christian woman lay upon her deathbed. Her husband had already passed away, and t h e sick woman was troubled about her soon-to-be-orphaned little girl. Reflecting that her little daughter would then have to be handed over to the charge of her grandfather, who was an infidel, the poor mother was filled with anxiety at the prospect. She called the child to her side, and begged her to promise that, for her sake, she would read at least one chapter of the Bible to herself every day.
The little girl was soon taken to the home of the infidel grandfather. Faithful to her promise, she read each day portions of God's Word, and, consequently, was found by him one day reading to herself in the garden. He asked what book it was, and she replied that it was the Bible.
He at once began to make light of it, declaring that it was useless to read such a book, for, said he, "What good is it?"
She answered that she read it that she might learn of God.
"God!" he exclaimed; "there is no God."
The effect of this upon the child can scarcely be described, so great was her fright and amazement. For the moment she appeared petrified; but recovering herself, exclaimed with passionate earnestness: "Oh, Grandfather, then you're a fool! You're a fool! You're a fool!"
The old man was amazed at this extraordinary audacity on the part of his granddaughter; but the frantic child continued to exclaim: "The Bible says so, Grandfather; it says you're a fool! The Bible says you are a fool! 'The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.' " Psa. 14:11<<To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.>> The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. (Psalm 14:1).
The man listened no longer, though to forget his granddaughter's distressed exclamation was impossible. Wherever he went, by night and by day, every waking moment seemed to bring to his mind, "You are a fool! The Bible says so!"
Ere long the erstwhile scoffer became miserable, unhappy, and broken down before God. The divine arrow of God's Word had pierced his armor, and in humble repentance he owned his sinfulness and received as his Savior the Son of God who loved him and gave Himself for him.