White-Washed or Washed White

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 7
A well-known and gifted evangelist was holding gospel meetings in a large western city. A young man, Victor Braun, had heard of his eloquence and thought he would like to hear him. Accordingly, he attended several of the meetings and one evening, through curiosity more than anything else, he went into the inquiry room. There he was spoken to by a Christian worker, who asked him if he were a Christian.
"I don't think so," Victor replied.
"Would you like to be one?"
"I would not mind," was the answer given.
The Christian then read a portion of Scripture, prayed, and asked Victor to pray. He followed the Christian's lead, and left under the impression that he was a child of God. How sad that, like many others, Satan had deceived him with a spurious conversion!
Victor had "prayed" for salvation and imagined that he had obtained it through his praying. He still knew nothing of "repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ," but he "felt happy" now— much happier than he had formerly been. However, his "happiness" was obtained by believing a lie through believing that his prayer was all that was needed. How sad it is that,
"A man may think that all is well,
And every fear be calmed;
He lives, he dies, he wakes in hell,
Not only doomed, but damned!"
"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:1212There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 14:12).
Victor, believing that he was now a Christian, joined a religious organization, but, as he says, he was only happy when at the meetings. "Perhaps," said he, "I ought to do more for God, and I shall feel better." He "worked" and "worked," trying to help others in order to obtain peace with God for himself. But the "earnest Christian worker," as he was now considered, had yet to learn that he was on the wrong track.
Some time later, Victor saw a crowd of people near a street corner. They were listening to an evangelist telling out the "old, old story" of Calvary's cross. The preacher stressed the necessity of repentance toward God and emphasized the fact that there are only two classes in God's sight— saved and unsaved, justified and condemned. Where did he stand? He imagined that the preacher had singled him out, and he went home in a miserable condition.
Reference had been made in the course of the address to the fact that on the broad road there was a clean and a dirty footpath, and that many were traveling religiously and respectably to hell on its clean side. Was he? He was afraid he was, but was too proud to own it.
On the Monday night, with Bible in hand, he was back at the hall. He was even more wretched than on the previous evening. He saw himself to be a lost, guilty sinner, under the wrath of a holy God. He hurried to his home and, sitting reading, for the first time in his life's history, he perceived that the Lord Jesus, by bearing the punishment due to him, had done everything that was necessary for his soul's deliverance.
When it dawned on him what Christ's death had accomplished, he fell on his knees and thanked God for giving Christ to die for all his sins.
Next morning Satan was on his track with his fiery darts. "Are you really born again?" "Are you sure you have got the right kind of faith?" were some of Satan's arrows. However, that old deceiver was defeated. Victor found that he could rest his weary, sin-burdened soul, not on what he had done or felt, but on the finished work of Christ. His assurance of salvation depended not on the testimony of a fallible creature but upon the Word of the Living God. "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son." 1 John 5:10, 1110He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. 11And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. (1 John 5:10‑11).
Is the reader of these lines merely a "professor of religion?" Or is he also a possessor of Christ? Where do you stand? Are you white-washed or washed white? Be honest. Get down to the foundation and ascertain whether you are building for eternity on the sandy foundation of your prayers, good works., happy feelings, resolutions, sacramental observances, or on the "Rock of Ages." Flee at once to Him who is able and willing to save all who will come unto God by Him.
Able to save—unto the uttermost!
Oh, why art thou fearing to trust in the Lord?
Think not that the arm of His might can grow weary;
His power is almighty; oh, rest on His word.
Able to break every chain that may bind thee,
Although for long years thou a captive hast lain;
A crimson-dyed sinner the Savior may find thee,
But the blood of His cross, it shall cleanse every stain.
Able at last, in the hour of His triumph,
To take His redeemed ones, resplendent and fair,
And thus to the Father in glory present them:
Then farewell forever to sorrow and care.
Able to do "exceeding abundantly,"
Far above all that the heart can conceive;
Then why dost thou tarry? the mighty One waiteth;
His message of mercy, say, wilt thou receive?