Take courage, fellow Christian,
And hail the light of day;
The Lord will come to take us
To be with Him alway.
The night will soon be over
With all its sorrows 'vest;
The morn of joy is coming!
With Christ we'll be at rest.
Our efforts may seem fruitless,
Whatever means employed;
The "Seed" is ever precious;
His word returns not void;
That day will soon declare it.
The fruit springs forth in light;
A reaping time is coming!
After the darksome night.
If we go forth in weeping
God's precious "Seed" to sow,
We'll surely gather precious sheaves,
Rejoicing as we go.
So courage, fellow Christian,
And labor while you may.
His "well done" will requite you
The sufferings of the way.
"Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold,... but with the Precious Blood of Christ."