A Russian Mother's Letter to Her Son

YOUNG Russian officer was killed in action. On his breast, next his heart, was found the following letter — the last letter of the mother to her son. This is the letter: — “Your father was killed very far from us, near Laogan, and I send you upon the sacred duty of defending our dear country from the vile and dreadful enemy. Remember you are the son of a hero. My heart is oppressed, and I weep when I ask you to be worthy of him. I know all the fateful horror of these words, what suffering it will be for me and you, but I repeat them. We do not live forever in this world. What is our life? A drop in the ocean of beautiful Russia. We will not exist always, but she must flourish and enjoy prosperity. I know we will be forgotten, and our happy descendants will not remember those who sleep in soldiers’ graves. With kisses and blessings I parted with you. When you are sent to perform a great deed, don’t remember my tears, but only my blessing. God save you, my dear, bright, loved child. Once more: It is written everywhere, the enemy is cruel and savage. Don’t be led by blind vengeance. Don’t raise your hand at a fallen one, but be gracious to those whose fate it is to fall into your hands.”
A noble letter. We may not agree with all in it; but its simple pathos must touch every heart. Pray for that lonely mother, bereft of all her loved ones by this cruel War, and pray for thousands of others who are giving their dearest bravely, as she did, and hiding from them the breaking heart at home.
A Message from God for Soldiers and Sailors: “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”