The clash of arms sounds far and near,
Filling men’s hearts with gloom and fear;
The War-clouds fill the darkening sky
The cannons roar... and thousands die;
But yet what foe can do us ill,
If “Jacob’s God” be with us still?
The arrogance and pride of man,
Ride rough-shod; far as eye can scan;
With bombs above and mines below,
Satanic arts fresh dangers show;
But “Jacob’s God” defends the right,
And all things bow before His might.
The shot and shell, the aeroplane,
The submarine, may bring us pain;
Each fresh device, in human skill,
Has for its aim more lives to kill;
But ‘midst these scenes of death and sin,
If God be with us, we shall win.
The enemy is at the gate,
And England may not know her fate;
But if she to her God be true,
His grace and power will bring her through;
‘Tis Faith and prayer that win the day,
And who Jehovah’s hand can stay?
The armies of the Living God
Look down on scenes of fire and blood;
And He to Whom those Hosts belong,
The “King of Glory” is, and strong.
The “Lord of Hosts” is with us still,
If we obey His sovereign will.
The rage of men we well may mock,
If “Jacob’s God” be still our Rock;
Our “refuge and our strength” is He,
Before whose nod the nations flee;
To those who in His Word confide,
No evil shall, or can, betide.
Then let us trust the “King of kings,”
And shelter find beneath His wings;
‘Tis not in battleships “Faith” boasts,
But in Himself, the “Lord of Hosts”;
And when the victory is won,
The glory shall be His alone.