A CHRISTIAN man who used to keep sheep told the story of his conversion in the following words: “Many years have passed, though it seems like yesterday, since my boss gave permission for a gospel tent to be pitched on his property. I thought we were going to have a circus in the village, but when I went down to have a look around that night I saw in big letters, EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS, and a notice that Mr. Thomas would preach the gospel in the tent and that all were invited.
“It was not in my line. I swore quite a bit and was more at home in the tavern than in a chapel. This was a new idea to preach in a tent. However, my curiosity was aroused, and on Sunday night I got my sheep down as near to the tent as I could, so nobody would think I was listening. I lay on the grass near the tent and heard every word. It seemed as if somebody had told the preacher all about me, and he was telling the people all about me without mentioning my name.
“The next day I met the preacher and asked who told him about me. But he assured me no one had told him anything; it was God who knew about me. I went to the meetings after that and I had a terrible time on account of my sins for over a week. Then one day when down in a ditch, nearly up to my knees in mud, God showed me that while we were yet sinners Christ died for me. I threw myself on the bank and asked God to save me, and He did right then and there. O such peace filled my heart and He gave me the assurance of salvation.”
One who knew the shepherd for thirty years testified that he became a man of God. Prayer and the Word were his constant delight. Seldom was he absent from the prayer meeting and Bible readings, and he was listened to with profit and pleasure. He was much sought after by the sick and aged to whom he ministered with love and tenderness. He was over 80 when translated to the Saviour’s presence. It was said of him: “he walked with God and he was not for God took him.”