A PREACHER was visiting in a crowded ward in a city hospital. A busy nurse asked, “Will you speak to that young fellow over by the door?”
“With pleasure, nurse,” he replied, “but he is sleeping.”
“No,” she said, “he is dying.”
The evangelist read the name of the card at the head of the bed—“Robert Browing, Age 17, No Friends.” “What does this mean, nurse, ‘No Friends'?” he asked.
“Just what it says, sir. If he dies tonight,” she answered, “we do not know anyone who knows him.”
Bending over the boy, the preacher quietly said: “How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer’s ear.” In a moment the closed eyes opened slowly and a joyous whisper was heard, “Yes, Jesus is my Saviour, my Friend.”
The card read “No Friends,” but this boy had the greatest of friends.
My Friend is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is well described as the “Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Indeed, He is this and much more.