A True Story From Boston, U.S.A.

It is upwards of thirty years since the Lord took my firstborn to Himself. He was but six years and seven months old, yet when the pains of death were upon him he knew in whom he had believed, and was resting by faith upon the finished work of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
On Thursday, 10th March, 1887, two of the Lord’s servants visited our house, and dear Willie sang the first verse of that beautiful hymn, “Behold, behold, the Lamb of God on the Cross, on the Cross,” etc. He had already been attacked by that dread disease diphtheria, and on the following Wednesday the doctor stated that his death would take place about twelve o’clock midnight.
We had been watching all day by his bedside, and I prayed that the Lord might enable him to speak to us. At 1:30 a.m., looking up, he said, “Papa, Jesus went down into the grave for sinners.” I replied, “Yes, darling, Jesus died for sinners.” He then said, “I’ll glory in my Saviour’s name.” At 2:30 a.m. he again looked up and said, “Papa, Mama, Jesus is coming now.”
After great suffering he died at 4 p.m. The dying testimony received from our dear boy was in answer to prayer.
Would that all who read this simple narrative enjoyed like precious faith, for there is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved, but by the name of Jesus.