How blessed to “rest in the Lord,” as the unknown path of another year lies before as, yet we can only take one step at a time. I am writing in the hope that the following may be used as a word of encouragement to some heart to trust in the Lord more fully and at all times. “He is worthy” of all our trust. I was privileged to know this dear young soldier personally, through Dr. Wreford, just before his leaving for France. I am giving short extracts, in the order received. In one of his first letters he writes: “I do trust Him to keep me in ‘the shadow of His wings.’ He is our refuge and fortress, ‘a very present help in trouble.’ I don’t know what I should do, or what I should feel, if I was facing the terrors of the battlefield without His protecting care.”
My first letter from France: ―
“In a week or so I go up the line. I should like to have seen you, but that was impossible. Never mind, if we don’t meet here we shall in heaven. I still have my Saviour with me, for I dare not walk alone. How comforting to know it. I couldn’t face it without Him. He is still my refuge and strength. If it is His will I go up the line, I shall try to do my utmost for Him.”
“I have not been in the fighting line yet, although I am near. The dear Lord has cared for me, in a very special manner, up to the present. I feel that ‘underneath are the everlasting arms.’ Comforting thought, such a comfort to me.
‘I could not do without Him,
The Saviour of the lost,
Whose precious blood redeemed me
At such tremendous cost.
“I have been in hospital. My trust is still in the King of kings. I know how glad you are to hear that. I have found Him such a Friend out here, and whatever the future may bring, I am certain He has been very near me in the past. He has more than kept His promise to me, of that I am positive. I was reading Isaiah 35 and 40 yesterday. What glorious chapters they are! I think they lift me above the things of earth as it were. I felt enraptured with them.... His will be done in all things. We will trust Him and all will be well in the end; sorrow, sighing shall flee away. How glorious it will be! Yet we are foolish enough to cling to this earth of ours. If we only knew the joy that awaits us I think we should long to leave this earth.”
In another letter he writes: ―
“I am waiting to go up the line again. You will be pleased to know I am still keeping to the ‘narrow path.’ He is the same always to me, and I still cling to Him. He will help me so to do, I am sure. I feel I have your prayers. I know I have... God has kept me safe and sound, although I have been in the trenches under shell fire. Oh it is good to be ‘under the shadow of His wings’! I am so very grateful to God that He showed me my need of Him. The need is so great here, and He keeps me so contented and happy.... I do miss my loved ones, but God makes it all so easy. It is hard, but He bears the burden.... I have been marked unfit for the trenches, owing to my shoulder. You see God is dealing very tenderly with me ... I received the ‘Message’ and tract in letter. As I received it I met a fellow who was just outside the fold of God, yet longing to come inside, but for some reason or other did not. Your ‘Message’ and tract flashed into my mind, and I passed it on to him. I am glad to say later on he promised me he would live for and serve the Lord God Omnipotent in future. My prayers are for him, for I had no chance of seeing him again. God has used me on many occasions to point a wayward one the way to Him. I say ‘used me,’ frail as I am. I am always so happy to serve Him in that way. I always ask Him to use my tongue in His work. I am entirely in His hands and shall remain so, with His aid.
“ ‘Message’ I always pass on. I shall tell of Jesus and His love when the chance occurs. Do remember me to Dr. Wreford. I would love to meet him. I sincerely hope Dr. Wreford is well and able to continue His blessed work.”
“So you see I have been brought safely through. 1 Thank the Lord for all the way He has led me and cared for me. I am certain that I have only Him to thank for the way in which I have been preserved, and believe me, I feel very grateful for His loving kindnesses. It seems so good to be at home once more.”
Will this be read by someone who is still far away, on the downward road? May you be constrained to come to that One who is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” and prove in this New Year His loving-kindness and tender mercy. A. A. L.