A Welcome

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A YOUNG woman, who was an orphan and homeless, was about to pay a visit to a small cottage in the country where she had never been before. Rachel was wondering what sort of a welcome she would receive.
God who is the Father of the fatherless had inclined a Christian lady to invite Rachel to spend a few weeks with her, while waiting for another situation, and poor Rachel, having nowhere else to go, was only too thankful for this home and shelter for the time being.
Still, as I said, she was wondering what sort of a welcome she would receive. The cottage and all its surroundings were pretty enough. Virginia creeper and climbing roses covered the little cottage, giving it an air of sweetness and comfort.
When Rachel arrived, she found that peace and happiness reigned inside the house, as much as they appeared to do outside.
Before ever she had taken off her hat and cloak, a bright girl brought her a cup oil hot tea, which Rachel found most refreshing after her long journey. Then, while taking off her things, she heard her friend at the piano, playing and singing—
“There is a home, ‘tis better far
Than any earthly home can be.”
This took Rachel’s thoughts away from earth and all its troubles to the bright home in heaven, where her dear friends had gone, and where she expected to follow in God’s own time.
A very happy evening it was for Rachel, the first of many spent at the cottage, and before going to rest, her kind friend, Mrs. A., read, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:2727Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27). And then an earnest prayer followed for God’s blessing to rest upon them all.
Now the welcome that Rachel received was a hearty one, and it made her feel happy, and I have told you about her that you may understand about the welcome that is waiting for all boys and girls who come to the Lord Jesus. You will remember that when He was on earth He said,
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not;” and though He has gone back to heaven, He has still left us those words.
He still invites us to come to Him. There is only one thing that keeps us away from so loving a Saviour, and that is our sins. But the very reason why we should go to Him is, because He can forgive our sins. He can make us happy, He will give us a hearty welcome, for He says,
ML 03/26/1933