The Snake and the Frog

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WE were walking on the hills one day when we saw a snake about two feet long, gliding across our path. In its mouth was a small frog. The head of the frog and its two front legs were outside the mouth of the snake, but more than half of the frog was in its mouth.
The poor frog was terribly frightened. It felt that in a few moments it would die. It had absolutely no power. It had no hope at all unless someone who was stronger than the snake should come and save it. As we passed by, the frog called out, “Squeak, squeak!” as if to say, “Save me, save me!”
How like that little frog is to us! It had got into the hold of a dreadful enemy, and could not free itself. Unless a deliverer came to it, it must die. And you and I, dear children, have also a dreadful enemy, Satan. Long ago in the garden of Eden, he caused Adam and Eve toy sin, and death came by sin. Yes, we have all sinned, and “the wages of sin is death.” What we need is a deliverer. We cannot save ourselves, any more than the little frog could. If you and I are to be saved, it must be by One Who is stronger than Satan. The frog seemed to realize its hopeless position and called on us to save it. Are you like the frog in this? Do you feel your need of a Saviour?
Well, the frog was saved, for we took a stick and struck the snake, making it drop the frog, which quickly hopped away, happy to be free. We chased the snake as it tried to escape and killed it.
Now is there a Saviour to Whom you may call, “Save me, save me!”? Is there one to be found in all the universe stronger than Satan? Yes, thank God, there is a Saviour, One Who is able and One Who is willing to save you from the power of Satan. God has sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for us and save us. He not only pitied us, but He loved us.
“God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom. 5:88But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8). Yes, on the cross the Lord Jesus Christ broke the power of Satan, and set everyone free who believes in Him.
Let me ask, Have you found out that the little frog is a picture of you? Have you ever cried, “Save me, save me!”? If you have, God says,
“Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Rom. 10:1313For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13).
ML 04/09/1933