O Jesus Lord! how good Thou art,
To care for little ones like me;
How full of love Thy tender heart,
To die for us upon the tree.
Lord, teach me how to trust that love,
So wonderful and great and free,
Which brought Thee down from heaven above,
To make me fit to dwell with Thee.
For well Thou knewest Thou must die,
And shed Thy blood to cleanse our sin,
If ever children such as I
Thy glorious home could enter in.
For I was lost, and full of sin,
And could not fit myself for God;
I could not cleanse my heart within:
It needed Thy most precious blood.
Thou now art risen from the dead,
And gone into that heaven so bright:
But by Thy Word and Spirit led,
I’d trust Thee now, though out of sight.
O! Saviour, draw my heart to Thee,
That I may love Thee and adore;
That my desire while here may be
Each day to love and please Thee more.
And make Thy presence, Lord, to me,
And all Thy wondrous love and care,
A daily bright reality,
Until Thou com’st to take me there.
Then all Thy love I’ll better know
When with Thee in that glory fair;
But grant me grace while here to show
In Thy reproach I too would share.
Grant me Thy grace to live to Thee,
And seek while here to do Thy will,
Then I with joy Thy face shall see,
In heaven to love and praise Thee still.
ML 01/26/1941