Willie had taken his place in the Sunday-school for the first time. The teacher, before commencing, thus addressed the new boy,
“Willie, I have three questions to put to you, and I expect you to answer them.”
“The first question is, Do you believe God is able to save you?”
“I am sure He is.”
“The next question is, do you believe God is willing to save you?”
“Yes, He is.”
“Now, Willie, the third question is, Do you believe God is able and willing to save you, for Jesus Christ’s sake, NOW?”
To this question Willie was silent; but it bore fruit in due time.
When school was over, Willie returned and said to his mother,
“Mother, dear, I want to speak to on privately.” The mother was surprised at her boy’s wish but said,
“Come along, Wille, into a quiet corner, and let me hear what it is.”
“Mother, I have three questions to ask you.”
“Well, let me hear them.”
“Mother, do you believe God is able to save you?”
Certainly, Willie.”
“Do you believe God is willing to save you?”
To be sure, I do.”
“Mother, do you believe God is able and willing to save you for Jesus’ sake, NOW?”
The mother was silent at the third question, but it was an arrow that went to her conscience. Ere long she came to Christ as a sinner, and found He was not only able and willing to save, but that He saved her NOW, and now she is rejoicing.
ML 01/26/1941