A Word for the Conscience.

IT is written, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain.”
Reader, it is a terrible mistake that is made, in supposing that profane cursing and swearing is what this Scripture refers to. You are, most likely, not guilty of that, and yet it may be that you lie under the awful guilt of daily and hourly breaking this commandment. You call yourself a CHRISTIAN; THAT is taking the LORD’S NAME. Beware, I pray you, lest it be indeed in vain—in profession merely. If you have taken it in life eternal, through faith in the blood of Christ, happy are you; go and bring forth fruit; but if in profession only, THE LORD WILL NOT HOLD YOU GUILTLESS. Don’t let any say this is going back to the law, &c. Surely truth in the inward parts is as important now as it ever was.