“WHERE can a heavy burdened soul like mine find rest?” thought I; for now I felt I could do nothing. There I stood, helpless before God. My soul seemed to groan within me.
As I was retiring one night I passed through the sitting-room, when my attention was attracted by some little tracts which the Christian man of the house had laid on the table for his boarders to read. While I stood looking at them, my eye fell on one bearing this title: “How can I be accepted as righteous?” In an instant it came into my mind, this is just what I want to know. So down I sat, and began to read what, it seemed to me, I had never heard before—not what I must do to be saved, but what God has done to save the sinner. Oh, what news this was to me! This was what I, a poor sinner, who could do nothing, wanted; and now I was led to see that Jesus came into the world in obedience to God’s will, and took the sinner’s place. He bore the sinner’s sins, and made such atonement for him that God declares Himself satisfied with it, by raising Him (Jesus) from the dead, and seating Him at His own right hand. Oh, what glad tidings! Such news I never heard before. Christ has made atonement for me. God is satisfied, and this satisfies me. So I found peace in believing what God says He has done to save sinners.